JSI RESOURCES: Journal article

The Impact of Health Information System Interventions on Maternal and Child Health Service Utilizations in Ethiopia: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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Key Findings

  • A package of interventions was implemented across all regions in Ethiopia to address the technical, behavioral, and organizational determinants of health information system (HIS) performance to improve the use of routine health data for evidence-based decision-making at all health system levels.

  • To assess the impact of these interventions on HIS performance and maternal care and immunization service utilization, a facility and household survey were conducted at baseline and endline, showing that, compared to control sites, interventions sites showed greater improvements in 27 of 36 HIS performance outcomes, including reporting completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and information use.

  • Compared to control sites, intervention sites showed greater improvements in 17 of 19 maternal and child health outcomes, including antenatal care, skilled birth attendance, postnatal care, and family planning, as well as immunization service indicators.

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