JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: A Guide to Safer Health Care Waste Management Practices – Program Management Guide


Health care waste management is an integral component of any VMMC program. It is essential for any VMMC project/program to develop a phased approach to support the VMMC project lifecycle, spanning situational analysis to system evaluation of hazardous waste management. To support the analysis and evaluation methods, SCMS developed assessment tools to collect data for design, development, and implementation of a comprehensive VMMC program. These tools can be used to provide policy makers with a better understanding of what is required to manage hazardous waste appropriately.

This guide aims to inform USAID implementing partners on proper procedures to ensure that waste is handled and managed in such a way to minimize adverse effects on human health or the environment. The specific objectives of this plan are to:
• Protect human health by reducing exposure of employees, patients, visitors, and/or entire communities to waste
• Protect the environment from hazardous materials arising from waste products generated
• Improve regulatory compliance and avoid liability

JSI/SCMS. 2016.

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