JSI RESOURCES: Publications

Zambia: National Long Term Forecasting and Quantification for Family Planning Commodities (2009-2015)


To support the Zambian Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Social Marketing Program of Society for Family Health (SFH) in their mission to provide a reliable supply of contraceptives to the Zambian community, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, working with other cooperating partners, prepared a long term forecast and supply plan for contraceptive commodities in December 2008. The forecast covered a period from 2009 – 2015 to coincide with the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) Round 9 implementation period. The task was to determine consumption estimates, develop a procurement plan, and present the forecast and procurement plan to key stakeholders for funding commitment. The long term forecast covered a period of seven years (2009 – 2015). This period was considered during the forecast in order to prepare contraceptive needs to be included GFATM round 9 proposals. 

This report presents the findings of the quantification as well as the methodology used and assumptions made to arrive at these findings. The report was written by JSI's USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in 2009.

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