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JSI’s Improve Primary Health Care Service Delivery Project

The Improve Primary Healthcare Service Delivery, with funding from Gates Foundation, is supporting Ethiopia's goals to achieve high-quality and equitable community health and reproductive, maternal, and child health structures and services. 

Strengthening Primary Healthcare at JSI

Supporting the primary healthcare system is the backbone of almost everything we do across the world. This brief highlights why primary healthcare is so critical and what we are working on within the primary healthcare space to ensure greater equity and higher quality of primary healthcare.

Timeline of JSI’s Work in Ethiopia

This timeline illustrates JSI's 30 year history in Ethiopia and maps out progress we have helped to establish alongside the government of Ethiopia, the Federal Ministry of Health, donors (including USAID, CIFF, Gates Foundation and Gavi, among others), partners and national organizations. 

The Humanitarian Commodities Logistics Group: A Community for Humanitarian Responders Who Manage Health Supplies

In honor of World Humanitarian Day, this infographic encourages humanitarian responders to join the Humanitarian Commodities Logistics (HCL) community, a subgroup of the International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL). Since 2007, IAPHL has supported health logisticians worldwide by providing a forum for members to network, exchange ideas, and improve skills. HCL brings a special…

Using behavioral science to design a new global framework that operationalizes person-centered HIV care: Experiences in Zambia and Ghana

Despite widespread recognition that person-centered care (PCC) underpins high-quality HIV services, identifying approaches to operationalize PCC remains a challenge. JSI conducted a desk review and co-creation workshops with 39 colleagues from diverse geographies and health areas to develop a PCC framework grounded in behavioral science.  The PCC framework was recently applied to two prevention approaches…

Restoration & continuity of essential TB services in conflict-affected areas in Ethiopia

Internal conflict in Ethiopia poses a significant challenge to the continuity of essential health services, including tuberculosis (TB) prevention, diagnostics, and treatment. In several regions, health facilities have been damaged, resulting in the loss or destruction of medical equipment, and the displacement of millions of people from their homes. In 2022, USAID Ethiopia identified REACH…

Improving TB Notification and Care in Malawi

Through a TIFA TB commitment grant, implemented by the National TB and Leprosy Elimination Program (NTLEP) in Malawi, substantial progress is being made to accelerate the country's efforts to end TB. The first grant, initiated in 2021, implemented a facility-based case-finding approach in 29 facilities across seven districts, aiming to increase TB notification and improve linkages to…

USAID Quality Healthcare Activity

The Quality Healthcare Activity (QHA), launched in 2023, aims to realize Ethiopia's health quality and equity goals and to improve health outcomes of women and children, over the next five years. This brochure illustrates its goals, objectives and context.

TB Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) in Uzbekistan

As part of the Global TB Accelerator to End TB, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., with partner Open Development, implements the USAID-funded Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) project with National TB Programs. TIFA aims to increase commitment from and strengthen the capacity of governments, civil society, and the private sector to accelerate countries’ progress…

Advancing Gender Equality @ JSI

Everyone should have equitable access to health, education, and economic opportunities, regardless of gender, circumstances, or geographical location. For more than 40 years, JSI has worked with governments, civil society organizations, and funders to transform gender norms and shift power dynamics. We integrate gender considerations into every aspect of our work. We ensure that individuals…

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We strive to build lasting relationships to produce better health outcomes for all.