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We document and disseminate various results, trainings, and resources from our research, programs, and projects.

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Map of Supply Chain Activities and JSI Global Presence 2022

We provide technical assistance and training to government agencies and health care organizations for building, scaling up, and managing robust, resilient global health supply chains. This map highlights JSI's health logistics and supply chain work by program area in 2022. 

One Health Information Assessment Tool (OHIAT) One Pager

This practical tool, developed by JSI under the STOP Spillover project, helps countries assess their current One Health Information Systems, and identify gaps. The OHIAT uses a maturity model to assess the current capacity of a country's system. Currently, there is no tool that serves this function, yet the need is immense.

USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project: Year 3 Annual Results October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022

This report displays the results of the activities implemented by the USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project in Kyrgyzstan after its third year. This project year yielded improved DR-TB case detection, treatment completion, infection prevention, and accessibility. This report was developed to inform funders and implementers of the project’s progress, and can also be useful for others…

Systems Thinking Approach: Developing a Visual Backbone

Systems thinking is a way to make sense of complex environments and solve problems comprehensively, viewing every problem as the result of overlapping issues. There are many types of systems thinking approaches, and many tools to facilitate systems thinking. The USAID-funded Asia Resilient Cities (ARC) Project will employ a version of systems thinking that encourages…

Resource Guide for Strengthening HPV Vaccination Service Delivery

A synthesis of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine service delivery-related challenges, evidence-based solutions, and promising practices that national and sub-national program planners and implementers in low- and middle-income countries commonly encounter. The resource guide supports countries to make informed decisions about HPV vaccination delivery and provides practical guidance to national and subnational stakeholders to strengthen service…

Burundi is leading the way on 95-95-95 goals

Every year, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) holds a Country Operational Plan (COP) meeting of government officials, health professionals, and civil society representatives to discuss funding and priorities for the year to come. This year, at COP23 in Johannesburg, Burundi was given special recognition for the remarkable progress it has…

Increasing Child Vaccination Uptake in Yemen Through Pilot Mobile Notification System at Community Level

This is a poster describing the results of a study conducted by the USAID Systems, Health, and Resiliency Project (SHARP) implemented by JSI in Yemen. SHARP piloted a new Electronic Immunization Registry (EIR) mobile application to link community health information between community midwives (CMWs) and health facilities, which allowed them to better track and encourage…

Ethiopia Data Use Partnership End of Project Report, November, 2016 – February, 2023

The Data Use Partnership (DUP) project, a project co-created by MOH in collaboration with JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) and with funding mainly from BMGF and a supplemental grant from DDCF, was implemented in Ethiopia between November 2016 and February 2022. The MOH institutionalized the project in support of its Information Revolution (IR)…

Social Media: A Toolkit for BIDLS-Funded Agencies

This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance on how to develop and adapt a social media strategy, including sample messages for various platforms, with a focus on HIV, STI, viral hepatitis, and latent TB service integration. Originally designed for infectious disease service providers in Massachusetts, the toolkit can be used by organizations and individuals of all skill…

Digital Health Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons to inform ongoing and future Digital Health Investments

In responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries were challenged with gathering, using, and analyzing data needed to ensure that their target populations received vaccines as per the recommended schedules. Ethiopia was able to implement various digital health innovations that provided high–quality information for timely epidemic response, community education, and critical supply chain adjustments. This experience…

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