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Found 1887 results

Technical Brief 8: Tuberculosis Medical Information Systems: Improving Quality of Tuberculosis Care through Digitalization of Services in Kyrgyzstan

An outdated recording and reporting system reliant on paper-based forms and physical X-ray files and the use of different forms across various facilities for data collection creates a significant hurdle in monitoring individual TB patient cases and aggregating and sharing data. The reliability and accuracy of data are compromised by manual record-keeping characterized by high…

Technical Brief 9: Community Engagement in Tuberculosis: Improving Person-centered Services across the Continuum of Care in Kyrgyzstan

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis project, implemented by JSI, conducted formative research at its inception in 2020 to better understand awareness of TB and the social and behavioral factors influencing TB testing and treatment, and perceived stigma and discrimination among the general population, key priority groups, TB patients, and health providers.  The project used findings from…

Technical Brief 10: Behavioral Journalism and Media Partnerships: Harnessing the Power of Authentic Voices in Social and Behavior Change Communication in TB in Kyrgyzstan

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis project, led by JSI, conducted formative research at its inception in 2020 among the general population, key priority groups, TB patients, and health providers to better understand TB awareness, the social and behavioral factors influencing TB testing and treatment, TB-related stigma and discrimination, sources of support, and preferred information channels.  The…

USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project Summary of Final Results

Cure Tuberculosis was a five-year activity (2019-2024) implemented by JSI in partnership with University Research Co., LLC (URC) and United States Pharmacopeia (USP), which strengthened the Kyrgyz government’s ability to diagnose, treat, and cure people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The project activities were aligned with the USAID Global TB Strategy and TB Roadmap implementation pillars:…

Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in the Kyrgyz Republic: Report

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) worked to strengthen the Kyrgyz Republic government’s ability to diagnose, treat, and cure people with DR-TB. The project aimed to evaluate the national TB response, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on TB services. In 2021, the project conducted a…

A Review of Implementation of Principles from the Quality and Standards Framework: Principles and Tips to Drive the Effective Application of Human-Centered Design on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

Since 2020, the HCDExchange has been exploring and promoting the use of HCD to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH). Because HCD is a relatively new practice in global public health, there is a dearth of evidence and guidelines on how to effectively use this technique to achieve desired programmatic outcomes. To address this…

Technical Brief 5: Comprehensive Tuberculosis Reforms Implemented at Oblast Level in the Kyrgyz Republic

Over the last decade, Kyrgyzstan has been transitioning toward greater ambulatory care for TB, with the provision of TB services at the primary health care (PHC) level. Since 2017, the reform of TB services has been proceeding according to the approved government roadmap for TB service optimization, which strives to reduce inconvenient and lengthy hospitalization…

Technical Brief 6: Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment: Summary of Key Findings of a Nationally Representative Facility-based Survey in Kyrgyzstan

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project, led by JSI, conducted a Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment (QTSA) in 2021, which provided comprehensive nationally representative data on the quality of TB care for the first time in Kyrgyzstan. The survey was conducted in 258 randomly selected health facilities nationwide at all levels of the system, from the…

Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Hub IRMMA Aligned Interventions: Semiannual Update—Bangladesh

During the period July-December 2023, JSI, as the global learning partner, continued to provide technical assistance and collaborate and co-create with the Bangladesh Learning Hub. This semiannual update for the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance Board (Gavi Board) and other stakeholders highlights the Bangladesh Learning Hub's efforts to leverage evidence for a deeper understanding of the…

Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Hub IRMMA Aligned Interventions: Semiannual Update (May 2024)

The Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) established by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), is focused on the outcome of timely, increased, and sustainable use of evidence to improve global, regional, and country immunization programs and policies in alignment with the Gavi 5.0 Strategy and Identify, Reach, Monitor, Measure, and Advocate (IRMMA) Framework. The Learning Hubs in…

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