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Found 1887 results

Understanding influences on demand for and consumption of animal-source foods: Insights from 8 Rwandan districts

This study was developed to gain insights into the demand for and consumption of animal-source foods (ASFs) in 8 districts of Rwanda; with the purpose of strengthening the market system response to meet consumer need, especially of those vulnerable populations. Study findings provide a view into the perceptions and practices of typical families in the…

Comprehensive EPI Review, Liberia, 2022

The Liberia Ministry of Health's most recent Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP) guided program implementation over the last five years and expired in December 2020. Past and ongoing public health challenges have led to the need for an in-depth and comprehensive review of Liberia's Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). As the last comprehensive EPI review (CER) assessment in Liberia was…

Building Healthy Cities: Project Accomplishments Report

Since 2017, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project has worked to improve healthy urban planning in four rapidly growing Smart Cities in India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Nepal. This work is critical because as the world urbanizes, cities must be able to address the urban challenges that affect citizens’ health in an organized, coordinated way….

Cure Tuberculosis Success Story: USAID-led Tuberculosis System Reform Strengthens Outpatient Service Delivery to Population in Batken

In line with the Kyrgyz Republic’s transition to more patient-friendly TB outpatient care, the USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project developed a comprehensive package of TB service reforms, all of which are in effect in five oblasts (regions) and one district of Bishkek city, including Batken Oblast. Restructuring TB hospitals in Batken Oblast helped repurpose 7 million…

Cure Tuberculosis Success Story: USAID Support to People from Vulnerable Groups to Complete Treatment Pays Back as They Turn Volunteers

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project works through civil society organizations to help people with TB at risk of treatment interruption to complete treatment engaging former TB patients as volunteers. This is the story of Sapar Nurmamatov, a 38-year-old TB survivor turned volunteer. He uses his personal experience to motivate people with TB to get and…

Cure Tuberculosis Success Story: USAID Supports Naryn Oblast as Best Practice Model for Comprehensive TB Service Reform Nationwide

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project developed a comprehensive package of TB service reforms, which works at all levels of the system to optimize TB service delivery and improve care for TB patients. This package is being rolled out gradually in all oblasts nationwide. In 2021, these reform efforts were championed by the Naryn Oblast TB…

Makassar Healthy City Action Plan: Executive Summary

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) Project is a five-year (2017-2022) learning project grounded in a systems approach, focusing on the social and environmental determinants of health, which span areas well beyond the health sector. In Makassar, Indonesia, BHC partnered with a number of city government departments (including Bappeda and Kominfo) to support their goal…

Poster: Digital Transformation of the Family Planning Supply Chain in Indonesia

This poster describes the digital transformation of the family planning supply chain in Indonesia. It includes a description of program implementation and findings from the end-of-project evaluation of the impact of supply chain digital interventions on family planning supply chain performance.  The My Choice project has made a significant contribution to support supply chain (SC)…

Tick Free NH Partner Toolkit

This toolkit was created to guide partner communications around sharing the best ways to avoid ticks and avoid contracting tick-borne illnesses. The goal of Tick Free NH’s messaging included in this toolkit is to prevent tick encounters, change people’s behavior when it comes to tick prevention, and educate the public on proper tick removal and…

Data Quality Improvement Plan, Liberia 2022-2027

The Liberia Ministry of Health (MoH) recognizes the importance of quality data for program planning, monitoring, and evaluation, and acknowledges the challenges of data availability, data quality, and data use across all program areas. With that in mind, the MoH decided to develop a Data Quality Improvement Plan (DQIP) to ensure a more integrated data…

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