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Found 1887 results

NACP Liberia Strengthens Supply Chain Capacity through HRSA-funded RRHO Project Partner Engagement

Established in 1987 as a branch of Liberia’s Ministry of Health, the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) was launched one year after the first case of HIV was diagnosed in Liberia. Funded by the United States Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in 2017 and implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), the…

Person-Centered Care: Transforming Systems and Services to Achieve Better Outcomes for All

Person-centered care acknowledges people's essential human dignity, treating people as individuals and finding out what is important to them, relevant to their treatment and care. Person-centered care is collaborative, localized, and rights-based healthcare designed and delivered with the individual at the center. It purposefully engages all stakeholders across the socio-ecological framework as active contributors to…

Resource Catalogue: Service Quality and Experience Literature and Tools

This resource is a catalog containing literature and tools about immunization service quality and experience. This work was supported by contributions and partners from the Vaccination Demand Hub. 

Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform (CCEOP) Market Shaping Evaluation Final Report

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) has been commissioned by Gavi to conduct an evaluation of CCEOP implementation, including a focus on global level CCE market-shaping activities and results from 2018 through 2021. This market-shaping brief reflects a point-in-time analysis of the initial trajectory based on the objectives in Gavi’s Procurement and Supply Roadmap…

Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform (CCEOP) Endline Evaluation Report

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, established its Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform (CCEOP) in 2015 as part of a strategy to strengthen vaccine supply chains and achieve better immunization equity and coverage. JSI is conducting a prospective evaluation on CCEOP to assess its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, outcomes, and sustainability of the investment. JSI's research will allow…

Designing for a Healthier Indore, India: Participatory Systems Mapping

In Indore, India, BHC engaged 247 multi-sector stakeholders through a systems mapping approach to gather qualitative data across three workshops and four citizen town halls from 2018 to 2020. These data were synthesized with results from BHC’s 18 other city activities to build a systems map and identify high-impact areas for engagement. Contextual findings showed…

If fear of infertility restricts contraception use, what do we know about this fear? An examination in rural Ethiopia

Qualitative research in sub-Saharan Africa has shown that women’s belief that contraception use causes infertility is a barrier to contraception use. In this paper, the authors examine different factors related to this belief and suggest strategies to address this misperception. The study found that women who believed that infertility would result in abandonment from one’s husband had…

Citizen Spotlight: Food Safety in Indore

Equitable access to healthy food is an important part of healthy urban planning. In Indore, India a large portion of the population consumes food from street food markets. The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project conducted a rapid feedback survey in Indore from November 2021—January 2022 to understand citizens’ knowledge and attitudes around food safety…

JSI’s Work in Ethiopia

This is a brochure describing the ongoing JSI projects and successes in Ethiopia. Included are the partners and donors that collaborate with JSI to improve health care and the health system in Ethiopia. This resource is useful to JSI, partners, donors, and anyone who wants to know more about JSI's involvement in Ethiopia's health system.

Bringing Sectors Together in Da Nang, Vietnam: Participatory Systems Mapping

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) work in Da Nang, Vietnam, engaged 108 multi-sector stakeholders to gather qualitative data across two workshops and three citizen town halls from 2019 to 2021. These data were synthesized with the results from BHC’s seven other activities in Da Nang to build systems maps. Contextual findings showed that multi-sector,…

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