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Innovative Mobile Apps for Malaria Information Access and Use at Health Facilities to Monitor Service Delivery and Commodity Management Performance in PMI-MEASURE Malaria Supported Districts in Cote d’Ivoire

Despite country stakeholder support to the Cote d’Ivoire Ministry of Health for strengthening health information, the conditions that prevent access to malaria and other health program data at the health facility level remain a challenge—partly because those who collect data do not always have access to the appropriate technology and communicative tools to use it….

Increasing Health Facilities’ Access to Health Information for Decision Making and Operational Plan Development in PMI Measure Malaria Supported Districts in Madagascar

Health facilities' access to malaria information is essential for the progress and sustainability of the quality of the services and data in Madagascar. Despite country support for strengthening health information, access to data remains a challenge- partly because those who collect data do not always have access to the appropriate tools to use it. Health…

Bimonthly Rota Talk Newsletter, Issue 14, 2022

JSI India publishes the bimonthly Rota Talk newsletter to regularly update partners and the government on the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine in India. JSI India is the lead technical partner for the rotavirus vaccine introduction in India. As of September 2019, India had officially introduced rotavirus vaccine in all 37 states and Union Territories…

Pneumo News: Issue 3

In India, Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) was introduced in 2017 and was expanded in a phased manner.  In 2021, the PCV was rapidly expanded to the remaining states and now all infants have access to the PCV which is provided free of cost under the UIP. JSI has been providing the technical support to the…

Status of Child Nutrition and Community Nutrition Support Systems: Makassar, Indonesia

Child malnutrition has consequences for the individual and society at large. Malnutrition affects growth and both cognitive and physical development. Health and nutrition are also inextricably linked; poor health puts children at greater risk of becoming malnourished and malnourished children are at greater risk of becoming ill. This brief from the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities…

Exploring an Alternative Community Health Financing Approach in Yemen: A Landscape Assessment

The Systems, Health, and Resiliency Project (SHARP) carried out an assessment to explore the ability and willingness of local communities to contribute to financing for, and facilitate access to, healthcare by raising domestic private resources. The purpose of the landscape assessment was to gain an in-depth understanding of past and current community savings schemes in…

Impact of Conflict and COVID-19 on Maternal Health Services Utilization in Southern Yemen

Yemen’s seven year conflict has created a humanitarian crisis, destroying its health system and posing significant threats to health access. This crisis has been exacerbated by geographic, demographic, economic, and social challenges as well as the COVID-19 pandemic that has minimized the ability of a fragile health system to provide services to the populations in…

Rota Talk Newsletter, Issue 13, 2021

JSI India publishes the bimonthly Rota Talk newsletter to regularly update partners and the government on the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine in India. JSI India is the lead technical partner for the rotavirus vaccine introduction in India. As of September 2019, India had officially introduced rotavirus vaccine in all 37 states and Union Territories…

Makassar Workshop Report: Project Closeout Smart and Healthy City Conference

In Makassar, Indonesia, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project worked with Bappeda (Planning Agency), Kominfo (Communication and Information Technology Department), and other key stakeholders to support the city’s long-term goal of being a world class city that is healthy and resilient for all. BHC worked in partnership with Smart City initiatives and urban health…

Indore: Developing Health Promoting Schools

Schools are an important starting point for mitigating public health challenges. Recognizing the importance of school-based interventions, Building Healthy Cities (BHC) implemented a comprehensive Health Promoting Schools (HPS) program in Indore, India to support student physical, social, emotional, mental, and educational growth. The World Health Organization defines HPS as schools that constantly strengthen their capacity…

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