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Found 1887 results

Contribution of health information system to child immunization services in Ethiopia: baseline study of 33 woredas

Monitoring progress using appropriate data, with a functional health information system (HIS), is believed to be very crucial for the success of an immunization program. This baseline study was conducted to assess, immunization service coverage, HIS performance status, and their relationships. The research team concurrently conducted a linked facility and population-based survey from September 21 to October…

Predictors of maternal and newborn health service utilization across the continuum of care in Ethiopia: A multilevel analysis

The continuum of care for maternal and newborn health is a systematic approach for delivery of an integrated effective package of life-saving interventions throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum as well as across levels of service delivery to women and newborns. Nonetheless, in low-income countries, coverage of these interventions across the life cycle continuum is low….

Kathmandu Stop Open Burning Poster Campaign

In Kathmandu, Nepal, the Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project worked with the Smart City program and the USAID Kathmandu Mission and other multisectoral stakeholders to prioritize, plan, and fund urban health activities. Activities focused on reducing air pollution and developing local support for the Kathmandu Valley Air Quality Action Plan (KVAP). As part of that,…

Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings Infographic

This infographic summarizes the accomplishments of the USAID-funded Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings program up to December 2021. 

Citizen Spotlight: Pedestrian Safety In Indore

The Building Healthy Cities project conducted a series of rapid feedback surveys in Indore, India to understand citizens’ experiences and feedback towards existing infrastructure for cycling, walking, and driving within the context of road traffic management. The objectives were to better understand motivations, barriers, and opportunities regarding cycling and walking in Indore. The first survey…

Kathmandu Stop Open Burning and Reduce Air Pollution Flip Book

In Kathmandu, Nepal, the Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project worked with the Smart City program and the USAID Kathmandu Mission to prioritize, plan, and fund urban health activities. Activities focused on reducing air pollution and developing local support for the Kathmandu Valley Air Quality Action Plan (KVAP). This flip book is a communications material that…

Makassar Workshop Report: Training on Infant and Young Child Feeding and Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition

In Makassar, Indonesia, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project works to support the city’s long-term goal to become a world class city that is healthy and livable for all. According to Health Department data, in 2019 approximately 9 percent of children under five years old in Makassar experienced stunting. In Barrang Lompo Island, an…

“I’m Bored and I’m Stressed”: A Qualitative Study of Exclusive Smokers, ENDS Users, and Transitioning Smokers or ENDS Users in the Time of COVID-19

To better understand the various influences of COVID-19 on tobacco use, the authors examined three different tobacco user groups using qualitative methods. The authors held ten online focus groups with 61 adults from the Atlanta, GA area were held in October– November 2020: four with exclusive smokers, three with Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) users,…

Makassar Multisector Data Integration Series: Phase 3 Summary

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project is supporting data integration to improve data-driven decision making in Makassar, Indonesia, and worked with the city to adapt existing and familiar platforms. This activity was accomplished in 3 phases: stakeholder engagement; data aggregation and preparation; and training and capacity building. This report summarizes the series of workshops…

Transitioning to Digital Systems: The Role of World Health Organization’s Digital Adaptation Kits in Operationalizing Recommendations and Interoperability Standards

The transition from paper to digital systems requires quality assurance of the underlying content and application of data standards for interoperability. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed digital adaptation kits (DAKs) as an operational and software-neutral mechanism to translate WHO guidelines into a standardized format that can be more easily incorporated into digital systems. DAKs…

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