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Found 1887 results

Maintaining high-quality treatment of neonatal sepsis during COVID-19 in Ethiopia

Last 10 Kilometers 2020 (L10K) examined the implementation challenges of community-based neonatal sepsis management in Ethiopia. They applied the RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) framework to examine factors related to intervention management, design, and support and understand how to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on neonatal mortality. L10K seeks to contribute to sustaining and improving the…

Designing supply chains to meet the growing need of vaccines: evidence from four countries

Immunization supply chains (iSCs) move vaccines from manufacturer to point of use with the added complexities of requiring cold chain and an increasing need for agility and efficiency to ensure vaccine quality and availability. Underperforming iSCs have been widely acknowledged as a key constraint to achieving high immunization coverage rates in low- and middle-income countries….

Results Infographic – USAID DISCOVER-Health, Zambia, FY2021

The USAID Zambia District Coverage of Health Services Project (USAID DISCOVER-Health) contributes towards HIV epidemic control while also providing reproductive health and family planning, and maternal and child health services and products. This infographic summarizes the project’s achievements in Zambia between October 2020 and September 2021.

Door-to-door services improve TB case identification during the COVID-19 pandemic in Dokolo district, Uganda

This poster was presented at the 2021 Union Conference. While Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MOH) had declared TB an emergency in 2019, in 2020, COVID-19 pandemic disrupted TB case identification efforts. In response to declines in case notification, between October 2020 and March 2021, the USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services-North, Lango (RHITES-North, Lango)…

Barriers to retention on treatment for Tuberculosis in Lango sub-region of northern Uganda

This poster was presented at the 2021 TB Union Conference. From October 2019 to September 2020, the treatment success rate (TSR) for all forms of TB in Lango sub-region, northern Uganda improved from 75%, against the national target of 90%. Despite this improvement, several districts in the region had TSR below 90%. JSI-led USAID Regional…

Maintaining tuberculosis case notification in the COVID-19 era: A case of Lango sub-region in Northern Uganda

This poster was presented at the 2021 TB Union Conference. According to the World Health Organization, Uganda’s national TB incidence is 200/100,000 (Global TB declared TB a national public health Report, 2020). In November 2019, Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MOH) emergency. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions interrupted continuity of essential TB services e.g….

TIFA Accelerator Series – Expanding TB Case Finding in the Face of COVID-19

In February 2020, as the spread of the COVID-19 accelerated across the globe, the Malawi National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Elimination Program (NTLEP) submitted a concept paper for a TB commitment grant (TCG). The concept focused on increasing facility-based case finding, an important intervention to find missing cases and increase TB case notification. Neither the NTLEP,…

Increasing access to single-visit contraception in urban health care settings: Findings from a multi-site learning collaborative

Multiple barriers limit access to the full range of contraceptive options. The purpose of this quality improvement initiative was to increase single-visit access to the full range of contraceptive methods in primary care, postabortion, and immediate postpartum settings in New York City (NYC). From 2015 to 2018 we convened 2 learning collaboratives, named the Quality…

Kathmandu Workshop Report: Systems Mapping

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities project (BHC) uses a systems thinking approach to support city planners and administrators in their relationships with citizens and civil society organizations to create traceable, transparent, and collaborative policy initiatives. In Kathmandu, Nepal, BHC used a systems mapping approach to work with the Department of Environment and 18 municipalities to…

Key Factors Influencing Use of Immunization Cost Evidence in Country Planning and Budgeting Processes: Experiences From Indonesia, Tanzania, and Vietnam

Governments need to understand what it costs to deliver vaccines to reach coverage goals, address health equity, manage the introduction of new vaccines, and ensure efficient use of resources. Even in low- and middle-income countries where relevant and recent cost evidence is available, planning cycles and policy decisions are not always informed by evidence. The Immunization…

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