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Found 1887 results

The challenge of identifying eligible girls for HPV vaccination: HPV mapping data verification in Malawi

Purpose Malawi introduced the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine nationwide in January 2019, with a target population of nine-year-old girls. Early in rollout, some health facilities reported stockouts, raising questions about the accuracy of the age eligibility of girls registered during the initial population mapping exercise. Mapping results showed that the estimated number of nine-year-old girls registered…

Ethiopia Urban Immunization Assessment

Recognizing the need to address inequities in urban immunization coverage, particularly for urban poor populations, JSI designed an assessment to improve understanding of the capacity of the urban health system in Addis Ababa to deliver high-quality immunization services to urban poor and to then use this information to inform tailoring of the RED-QI approach for…

A Theory of Change for Guiding the Integration of Human-Centered Design Into Global Health Programming

The goal of this theory of change is to provide funders, implementing partners, and designers a tool to increase the understanding and application of human-centered design (HCD) as an approach that enhances global health programming. The theory of change also aims to communicate the potential for HCD to introduce new and disruptive mindsets, practices, and…

Methods and Benefits of Measuring Human-Centered Design in Global Health

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E), a new frontier for human-centered design (HCD), is still largely unexplored. In global health, M&E is considered essential to good practice, and evidence and data are critical tools in program design, performance monitoring, impact evaluation, and adaptation and learning. As HCD is increasingly integrated into global health practice, designers and global…

Integrating Human-Centered Design to Advance Global Health: Lessons From 3 Programs

Lessons from 3 global health programs indicate that human-centered design (HCD) holds great potential for developing more tailored, impactful, and sustainable products and services to improve health and well-being. However, to take advantage of the full benefits of HCD, global health practitioners need to intentionally design and implement programs differently from typical health programs that…

Measuring and Assessing Capacity: A Landscape Review

This landscape review aims to support MOMENTUM partners' efforts to introduce, deliver, scale up, and sustain high-quality maternal, newborn, and child health services through sound capacity measurement. The review defines the different levels and types of capacity relevant to MOMENTUM that can be measured; clarifies the distinction between capacity and performance; identifies key capacity measurement…

Digital Health Activity – Annual Report 2020-2021

This report presents the major achievements of the Digital Health Activity (DHA) in its second year, October 2020 to September 2021. The DHA is a five-year, USAID-funded Activity implemented by JSI to support Ethiopia’s Health Information Revolution (IR) Agenda. This is a shortened version of the annual report submitted to USAID in September 2021.  During…

Ethiopia Health Information Technology Systems & Services

Health information systems (HIS) are designed to manage healthcare data. There are several systems used in the Ethiopian healthcare industry. This booklet provides a description of the following: Electronic Community Health Information System (eCHIS) Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Healthnet Health Management Information System (HMIS) Master Facility Registry (MFR) Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Supply chain…

Evaluation of Global Experiences in Large-Scale Double-Fortified Salt Programs

Double-fortified salt (DFS) is a vehicle for dual fortification with iron and iodine, to reduce their respective deficiencies. We assessed programmatic experience with DFS from social safety net programs in India and from non–social safety net country programs or projects in Argentina, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Findings revealed color change of the final…

Effect of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions with participatory videos and women’s group meetings on maternal and child nutritional outcomes in rural Odisha, India (UPAVAN trial): a four-arm, observer-blind, cluster-randomised controlled trial

Almost a quarter of the world’s undernourished people live in India. We tested the effects of three nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) interventions on maternal and child nutrition in India.We did a parallel, four-arm, observer-blind, cluster-randomised trial in Keonjhar district, Odisha, India. A cluster was one or more villages with a combined minimum population of 800 residents….

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