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We document and disseminate various results, trainings, and resources from our research, programs, and projects.

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Technical Brief 1: Optimizing and Strengthening the TB Lab System: Expanding Access to Quality Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan ranks among the 30 global high-burden countries for multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and 18 priority countries for TB in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region, with an estimated incidence of MDR-TB of 26 percent among new cases and 55 percent among previously treated cases. The USAID Cure Tuberculosis project, led by JSI in partnership…

Technical Brief 2: Facility-based Active Tuberculosis Case Finding: Introducing an Approach to Detect TB Cases and Improve Infection Control in Health Facilities in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is one of the 30 global high-burden countries for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), and the country experienced a significant decline in the number of people diagnosed and treated for TB and MDR-TB during the COVID-19 pandemic. National TB Program (NTP) data show a 32 percent decrease in cases detected in 2020 compared to 2019. A…

Technical Brief 4: Supply Chain Strengthening: Integrating Quality Assurance into Procurement and Management of Tuberculosis Medicines in Kyrgyzstan

Despite the commitment and dedicated efforts by the Kyrgyz government and its development partners to combat tuberculosis, Kyrgyzstan remains among the 30 countries worldwide with the highest rates of difficult-to-treat multidrug-resistant/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB). In 2020, around 1,000 people were diagnosed with drug-resistant TB (DR-TB). In total, there were an estimated 7,000 cases of TB in…

Technical Brief 3: Tuberculosis Contact Investigation: Piloting an Enhanced Approach to Improve TB Case Detection among TB Contact Persons in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is one of the 30 countries worldwide with the highest burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), with an estimated 8,600 total TB cases in 2022. However, case detection is generally low, with only about half of cases detected (53 percent)1 indicating the need for further active case-finding approaches. The USAID Cure Tuberculosis project, led by…

Injectable PrEP Appointment Card

This injectable PrEP appointment card is designed for the provider and client to work together, to book appointments at a convenient time for the client’s schedule, while staying within the clinical window. It is designed to fit inside a client’s handbag, backpack or notebook, for ease of carrying around, whilst maintaining their privacy, and as…

Injectable PrEP Clinic Aftercare Poster

This poster is displayed in health facilities, so that clients who choose to take injectable PrEP know key information on possible side effects, when to return for their next injection, and other reminders on staying safe and healthy.  This poster was developed by JSI in partnership with the Zambia Ministry of Health and other supporting…

Navigating Patient Care through Digital Health Systems

A photo story documenting a client's journey within Ethiopia's Adama General Hospital – a facility implementing interoperable digital health solutions with support from the USAID-funded Digital Health Activity. 

Strengthening People-Centered Health Supply Chains in Tanzania

Building on our global supply chain expertise, JSI supports the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Tanzania and Zanzibar, and its related departments and agencies, to strengthen the systems that deliver products to people. We have been involved closely in supply chain technical assistance planning and delivery since 2003, improving the availability of health supplies at…

Injectable PrEP Information Booklet

This booklet is designed to help clients make an informed choice on whether injectable PrEP is right for them. This resource describes what injectable PrEP is, why it is useful, how it works, and where it is available.  This booklet was developed by JSI in partnership with the Zambia Ministry of Health and other supporting…

Injectable PrEP Self Assessment Checklist

This health self-assessment is designed for young people to self-assess their risk for HIV acquisition. This helps make informed choices around utilizing HIV prevention methods, such as injectable PrEP. This resource shares essential information about injectable PrEP, and, if they decide that it is the right choice for them, this directs them to where it…

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