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Webinar Presentation: HIV/AIDS Joint Strategy to Achieve Epidemic Control in Ghana: Lessons Learned and Best Practices (Year Two)

Our USAID Strengthening the Care Continuum Project with the support of the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) hosted a webinar on the HIV/AIDS Joint Strategy to Achieve Epidemic Control in Ghana. The webinar shares strategies, best practices, and lessons learned to help the country reach epidemic control. This event was part of World AIDS Day. 

Cure Tuberculosis Success Story: Interventions Reduce Laboratory Turnaround Time for Faster Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project works to increase people’s awareness of TB and disseminate accurate information about TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The study focuses on USAID's assistance of the NTP with the development and nationwide implementation of advanced technology, systems, and processes that enable earlier TB detection, diagnosis, and treatment initiation. These new technologies…

Cure Tuberculosis: Year I Annual Results

The Cure TB Project works closely with the Kyrgyz government to ensure that TB services are both high-quality and accessible, even for the country’s most hard-to-reach citizens. As stigma and discrimination often prevent people from getting the services they need, the project will work to reduce tuberculosis stigma and discrimination among health care providers and…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Enhancing Community Capacity for a Shared Commitment to Reduce Child Marriage and Early and Unwanted Pregnancy Among Vulnerable and Married Girls

The Government of Madagascar recognizes child marriage as a form of gender-based violence (GBV) that contributes to the country’s high maternal mortality rate (478/100,000), and in 2007, the government promulgated a law that set the minimum legal age for marriage at 18 years. Despite this law, child marriage remains widespread. Recognizing that adolescent pregnancy and…

Progress in Health Management Information System (HMIS) Data Quality: Findings of a Mixed Method Assessment in Liberia

Recognizing the challenges associated with data availability, quality, and use across the health sector, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Liberia decided to develop a data improvement plan (DIP) to chart a more integrated approach to data improvement across the MOH’s units and departments and with its implementing partners.  To create a foundation for the…

Da Nang Workshop Report: Systems Mapping

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities project (BHC) uses a systems thinking approach to support city planners and administrators in their relationships with citizens and civil society organizations to create traceable, transparent, and collaborative policy initiatives. In support of this, the project hosted a series of workshops in Da Nang, Vietnam, designed by BHC’s partner-experts in…

Five Ways to Improve HIV Index Testing in Highly Saturated Environments

Index testing has been hailed as a highly effective and efficient strategy for identifying previously undiagnosed people living with HIV. However, in highly saturated South African environments like Johannesburg, where the majority of the population has already been tested for HIV, it can be extremely challenging to identify undiagnosed clients, even when using index testing….

MOMENTUM Strengthening Health Resilience in Northern Mali Fact Sheet

This document highlights MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience work in Mali, where the project aims to increase the resilience and preparedness of health systems in the regions of Gao and Timbuktu in northern Mali. The program is working with the Ministry of Health, stakeholders, and other partners to improve maternal, newborn, and child health, as well…

On the Road to Universal Immunization: Improving Immunization Equity in Ethiopia

Since 2011, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. has implemented the Universal Immunization through Improving Family Health Services (UI-FHS) project in Ethiopia. UI-FHS strengthened the routine immunization system to reach un-immunized (zero-dose) and under-immunized children with vaccines. JSI improved equity in immunization service delivery to ensure that all children are reached with high-quality vaccination services….

PipeLine 5.2 User Manual

This publication is a compilation of three essential guidance documents for the Pipeline Monitoring and Procurement Planning System. PipeLine 5.2 User Manual The Pipeline Monitoring and Procurement Planning System (PipeLine) was designed to help program managers monitor the status of their product pipelines and product procurement plans. PipeLine provides information needed to ensure the regular…

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