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Found 1887 results

Triangulating Immunization Program and Supply Data: Lessons Learned from Ethiopia on Establishing a Data Triangulation Process for Improved Decision Making

Strengthening data use and quality is critical to achieving high equitable immunization coverage. One approach that is being increasingly recognized as effective in improving data use and quality is data triangulation, which synthesizes two or more data sources to generate more informed decision-making for immunization program improvement. In Ethiopia, JSI, through the Universal Immunization through…

Developing Regional Health Bureau Capacity to Improve Immunization Programming: RHB Assessment Summary Report

The RED-QI approach, implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) since 2011, has worked to improve the performance of the immunization system in Ethiopia. JSI’s RED-QI approach, which has focused on working at the facility and woreda (district) levels to integrate quality improvement (QI) into Reaching Every District (RED), the national immunization strategy,…

Presentation – Improving Immunization through Increased Community Ownership: My Village, My Home Zimbabwe

Presentation highlighting the My Village My Home Tool and Home-Based Records approach to reaching every child with immunization in Zimbabwe. 2021.

Madagascar Technical Brief – Strengthening Last-Mile Interventions for Maternal Health

Although important global progress has been made to improve maternal health in the last two decades, an unacceptably high number of women continue to die during and following pregnancy and childbirth, including in Madagascar. The most common causes of maternal injury and death are excessive blood loss, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Engaging Youth to Improve Health and Reduce Gender-Based Violence

The health needs of adolescents and youth remain consistently high in Madagascar because many young people cannot access complete and accurate health information, health education, or modern forms of contraception and preventive care. The country has a high adolescent fertility rate with 108 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19 compared to the global average of…

Treating Addiction Together ECHO Evaluation Report 2019 – 2020

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. utilized the ECHO model in New Hampshire (NH) to address capacity needs among substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers related to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria.  Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a guided-practice model developed by the University of New Mexico’s Health Sciences…

Delivering Family Planning One Village at a Time: 20 Years of Supply Chain Work in Bangladesh

The family planning effort in Bangladesh is widely recognized as one of the world's most successful ones and a model for other countries to follow. For more than 20 years, USAID worked with John Snow, Inc., to improve the delivery of family planning supplies in Bangladesh through multiple, consecutive projects, focusing primarily on logistics, procurement,…

Rethinking Strategies to Address Inequity in Immunization Services towards Achieving Universal Immunization Coverage (UIC) in Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, has the highest density of unimmunized (zero-dose) and under-immunized children. This paper highlights the unique process the Sindh Government, in collaboration with partners, undertook to develop strategies for addressing inequity in urban immunization services in Karachi in order to work toward achieving Universal Immunization Coverage. Authors: Iqbal Hossain, Tariq Masood, Akram…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes: Addressing Financial Barriers to Accessing Health Care

Health care costs can overwhelm households; close to 100 million people are pushed into poverty each year due to out-of-pocket health expenses. In Madagascar, where more than 70 percent of the population lives in rural areas and works in the informal sector, accessing health services and having readily available funds to pay for the services…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Family Planning and Community Health Volunteers: Reducing Early and Unwanted Pregnancies at the Community Level

The government of Madagascar (GOM) has adopted FP as an important strategy to reduce maternal mortality and improve adolescent and youth health. The National Reproductive Health and Family Planning Law (2018) and the National Strategic Plan for Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health (2017) address reproductive choice and the negative consequences of early childbearing, as do…

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