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Found 1887 results

Improving urban immunization services in Cite Soleil, Haiti to address the zero-dose children and dropout rates through a human-centered approach

Healthcare in Haiti is extremely challenging, given the country’s history of poverty, poor infrastructure, social unrest and vulnerability to multiple types of natural disasters. In 2017, John Snow, Inc. (JSI) launched an intervention in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, with support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to strengthen the quality and use of immunization…

USAID Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) Integration Activity in Madagascar Final Report

The USAID-funded “Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) Integration Activity in Madagascar (October 1, 2017 to July 30, 2019) had the objective of studying, documenting, and promoting the effective integration of PHE activities with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Socila Protection, Ministry of Public Health and PHE stakeholders in  Madagascar. In order to…

HPV Vaccination in Malawi: Lessons Learned from JSI’s Experience Supporting Vaccine Introduction and Routinization

Malawi has one of the highest age-standardized incidence rates of cervical cancer in the world, with it accounting for 45 percent of all cancers in the country. In 2019-2021, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. JSI), with funding from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, provided technical support to the country's Ministry of Health for the human…

Makassar Workshop Report: Action Plan Integration

In Makassar, Indonesia, the Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project works with City Planning and Development (Bappeda), Kominfo, and other key stakeholders to support the city’s vision and long-term goal to become a world class city that is healthy and livable for all. BHC encourages multisector collaboration to address the complexity of healthy city issues. In…

Da Nang Workshop Report: Waste Management and Food Safety Online Training

In Da Nang, the Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project works with the Smart City program and other multisectoral stakeholders to prioritize, plan, and fund urban health activities on citizen reporting systems, waste management, food safety, and community engagement, among others. In order to encourage effective waste management and food safety practices, BHC is working with…

Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement: Lessons Learned about Implementation and Scalability in Ethiopia and Uganda

Although the Reaching Every District (RED) strategy for immunization has been in place for nearly two decades, many districts and health facilities face challenges in implementing its components. The Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement (RED-QI) approach combines the full RED strategy and quality improvement tools and processes, and advances RED from a “what to do”…

Applying Equitable Approaches to Immunization: Implementation in Ethiopia and Uganda Shows How the RED-QI Approach Improves Equitable Access to Vaccines

The Reaching Every District (RED) strategy is used by most African countries to strengthen management of routine immunization services at the district level and below to improve equity. However, many districts and health facilities have faced challenges in fully operationalizing RED.  To address these challenges, JSI applied concepts and tools from the field of quality…

Aligning Systems for Health: Two Years of Learning

Aligning Systems for Health is an initiative supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that focuses on identifying effective ways to align health care, public health, and social services to better meet the goals and needs of the people and communities they serve. This book encompasses the first two years of learning from this project….

Public-Private Partnerships for Urban Health Brief 2: Guidance for Local Leaders

Through its work to encourage urban planning structures, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities project (BHC) identified a major gap in multisector engagement relating to the private sector. While individual sectors have documented success with developing private-sector relationships, there is a gap in the knowledge base about how to develop private-sector relationships for urban health projects,…

Supply Chain Visibility for Informed Resupply Decisions: Using cStock to Collect Logistics Data in Crisis Settings

This case study shows how cStock, a mobile solution used to report and resupply health commodities, developed by Kenya-based InSupply Health, can be useful in humanitarian and fragile settings.  inSupply has implemented cStock across four of Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL), where the environment is challenging and populations are remote, hard to reach, and sometimes…

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