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Example 3: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Humboldt County Screening and Referral Program with a Patient Navigator to Improve Maternal and Infant Outcomes for Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training Institute and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of…

Building Resilient Sexual And Reproductive Health Supply Chains During COVID-19 And Beyond: Community Roadmap for Action and Technical Findings

The COVID-19 pandemic has created acute disruptions to public health supply chains, revealing underlying vulnerabilities in the global supply ecosystem and increasing uncertainty in both the supply and demand of life-saving SRH medicines and products. A crisis of this magnitude demands that we understand what worked well, what did not, and how best to plan…

Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in Uganda: Report on Qualitative Findings

This report describes the findings of a qualitative study on tuberculosis (TB)-related stigma among community members from two regions in Uganda. This research is part of a broader Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment (QTSA) conducted in Uganda in 2019 that also includes findings on TB-related stigma from the perspectives of healthcare workers and TB patients….

Noncommunicable disease risk profile of urban women in Indore city, India

  Background: Lifestyle changes are affecting the health risk profile of women in developing countries. This study assesses risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and access to NCD screening services among women in Indore city, India. Materials and Methods: A NCD risk factor survey was undertaken in Indore city through the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Community-Level Interventions Increase Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment Among Children Under Five

Malaria is endemic in Madagascar, especially in the coastal areas and parts of the central highlands. Community health volunteers (CHVs) play an important role in malaria prevention and treatment where health services are far away, transportation means limited, and health centers understaffed. The USAID Community Capacity for Health Program worked with the Government of Madagascar…

Responsiveness to COVID-19 pandemic and its Immediate Impacts on Essential RMNCH Services in Addis Ababa: Findings of a Rapid Assessment

Since its emergence in December 2019 the threat of coronavirus disease (SARS-Cov-2 or COVID-19) has inundated and threatened health systems worldwide. In Ethiopia, there are 5,000 cases and 75 deaths respectively over four months period (March-June 2020)1. Addis Ababa city has constituted more than two-thirds of the total cases. The Last Ten Kilometers Project (L10K),…

Lessons Learned from Using a Mobile Health Application to Improve Timeliness and Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Service Delivery Across Primary Health Care in Ethiopia

Real-time access to reliable and accurate information to deliver consistent and high-quality health care is currently in high demand. Over the past three decades, a range of digital technologies for sharing and generating health and medical information has emerged as mobile health (mHealth) platforms. Throughout the world, health service providers and decision-makers are trying to…

Participatory Community Solutions for the Uptake of Maternal and Newborn Health Care across the Care Continuum: Experience from L10K’s Implementation in Ethiopia

For over a decade, The Last Ten Kilometers (L10K) project has supported communities in Ethiopia to take ownership of their health care through innovative community-based strategies. The project has tested participatory community quality improvement and engagement initiatives to strengthen health service quality and health provider skills. L10K found that these interventions created community awareness of…

Centers of excellence strategy for provision of high-quality reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health care across the community-to-hospital continuum: Strengthening the functional linkage between communities and facilities

Since October 2017, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. through the Last Ten Kilometers Project (L10K 2020) has been supporting the four agrarian regional health bureaus (RHBs) in Ethiopia to establish centers of excellence (COE). COE are model service delivery sites and learning hubs that demonstrate high-quality clinical care provision and community engagement to other regions…

Clinical mentorship for quality reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health services: Strengthening providers’ skills to improve health outcomes

Although progress has been made in recent decades to improve service access and use, women and children still face numerous inter-related health challenges. Improving health worker competency to deliver quality reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) services is one way to improve health outcomes. Based on proven mentorship models, the Government of Ethiopia (GOE)…

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