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Found 1887 results

Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) Tool – Participant’s Copy

The goal of this tool is to assist organizations in assessing the critical elements for effective organizational management, and identifying those areas that need strengthening or further development. The OCA tool was designed to enable organizations to define a capacity-building improvement plan, based on self-assessed need. This Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) was initially designed to…

Reimagining Technical Assistance presentation

This presentation provides an overview of the Reimagining Technical Assistance to Accelerate Maternal, Newborn & Child Health Outcomes initiative, which, in collaboration with the Child Health Task Force, is exploring effective capacity strengthening approaches. The initiative aims to strengthen local capabilities to implement integrated, evidence-based, MNCH and health system strengthening interventions that will accelerate progress toward the…

Contributions and Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Response Efforts

Since the emergence of COVID-19 in Ethiopia, USAID Transform: Primary Health Care has supported regional states to strengthen sub-national coordination, risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), surveillance and testing, COVID-19 case management, infection prevention and control (IPC), and continuity of essential services.

TIFA Pre-Award Assessment Tool Overview

This brief provides an overview of TIFA's best practice benchmark performance pre-award assessment tool. The TIFA pre-award assessment (PAA) is a tool that enables rapid assessment of a Tuberculosis Commitment Grant (TCG) applicant’s capacity to successfully manage and administer its award, identify potential risks, and, based on those risks, define conditions precedent or capacity building…

AIDSFree Lesotho Gender-Based Violence Service Provider’s Manual

Lesotho has a population of 2,003,546, of which 51 percent are women and 32 percent are under the age of 15. HIV prevalence among men and women aged 15–49 is 24.6 percent. The country is ranked the second-highest in the world in HIV prevalence and incidence among people aged 15–49 years. Adolescent girls and young…

SCALE: Supply Chain Alternatives for Last Mile Equity – Redesigning cStock to reach the last mile & reducing barriers to uptake of FP at the last mile

inSupply, with help from partners, is responsible for the strengthening of health supply chains in four communities in Kenya using our cStock approach, which includes IMPACT teams, the cStock app, and visualisation and utilisation of data through dashboards.  Throughout the process, inSupply used human-centred design methodology, which puts the creation of solutions for users challenges into the users hands. It…

USAID Digital Health Activity Brochure

The USAID Digital Health Activity works with the Government of Ethiopia (GOE) to build sustainable, resilient, and interoperable health information systems (HIS) that ensure the entire health sector has the data, analytics, and skills necessary to improve health and well-being of all Ethiopians. This overview was written by JSI in 2020.

International Youth Day 2020 Convening Report

The HCDExchange commemorated International Youth Day (IYD) on August 12, 2020 with a virtual event that brought together designers, young people and their advocates, funders, evaluators, and youth-focused implementing organizations to unpack a range of topics at the intersection of human-centered design (HCD) and sexual health for youth and adolescents. The event united youth with…

Zambia Provincial AIDS Task Force Performance Assessment and Certification Standards Tool

Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs) play a critical role in carrying out the mandates of NAC. They lead the provincial HIV and AIDS response, coordinate provincial stakeholders, and support District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs) to carry out their roles and responsibilities. Effective coordination thus relies on PATFs’ ability to carry out their management and coordination…

Zambia District AIDS Task Force Performance Assessment and Certification Standards Tool

The District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs) are in an important position as both a NAC coordinating structure and a DDCC subcommittee. the DATF’s role is to advocate for and coordinate the decentralized HIV and AIDS response into their local authority core mandates. All local authorities in Zambia create district development plans which feed into the…

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