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Zambia Provincial and District AIDS Task Force Performance Assessment and Certification Guidelines

These guidelines provide information on how to conduct assessments of Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs) and District AIDS Task Forces (DATF) using the Provincial AIDS Task Force and District AIDS Task Force Performance Assessment and Certification Standards. They include information on assessment processes, standard evaluation, and scoring. The guidelines and standards are intended to be…

Family Folders: Low-Resource Health Data with a Big Impact

The Family Folder is an innovation at the most basic level of Ethiopia’s health system – the rural health post. It is tied to a reformed national health information management system (HMIS), funded in part by USAID, working with MEASURE Evaluation’s HMIS Scale-up Project. Ethiopia now boasts a nationwide, robust HMIS, supported with data derived…

Routine Health Information System (RHIS) Rapid Assessment Tool: Implementation Guide

The RHIS Rapid Assessment Tool was developed to assist health information system (HIS) managers and evaluators identify gaps and weaknesses—aspects of health facility and community information systems that do not meet the standard—with a view to strengthening the RHIS and improving the data. The RHIS Rapid Assessment Tool compares a country’s RHIS to the global…

Routine Health Information System (RHIS) Rapid Assessment Tool: Analysis and Dashboards Module

This Analysis and Dashboards Module is one of two Microsoft Excel workbooks that comprise the Routine Health Information System (RHIS) Rapid Assessment Tool. The tool was designed to identify gaps in the RHIS during the health-sector planning process, so that deficiencies can be addressed during strategic planning. The Analysis and Dashboards Module contains the responses for each level…

Routine Health Information System Rapid Assessment Tool: Data Entry Module

This Data Entry Module is one of two Microsoft Excel workbooks that comprise the Routine Health Information System (RHIS) Rapid Assessment Tool. The tool was designed to identify gaps in the RHIS during the health-sector planning process, so that deficiencies can be addressed during strategic planning.  The Routine Health Information System (RHIS) Rapid Assessment Tool—consisting of…

The Clinical Management of Children and Adolescents Who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: Technical Considerations for PEPFAR Programs

These technical considerations and accompanying job aids serve as a guide for medical providers to address and respond to the unique needs and rights of children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence and exploitation. These resources focus on the delivery of clinical post-rape care services and include information on establishing services tailored to the…

Standard Operating Procedures for Integration of Mental Health and HIV Services in Zimbabwe

'There is No Health without Mental Health' AIDSTAR-One is USAID’s global HIV and AIDS project providing technical assistance services to the Office of HIV/AIDS and U.S. Government (USG) country teams in U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supported countries in knowledge management, technical leadership, program sustainability, strategic planning, and program implementation support. In…

RISE Bulletin October 2020

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from 9 October 2020. 

RISE Bulletin 23 October 2020

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from 23 October 2020. 

RISE Bulletin 9 November 2020

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from 9 November 2020. 

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