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Found 1887 results

DPCP Snapshot: The Effects of Dose Per Container Change in Zambia

The Dose Per Container Partnership (DPCP) undertook quantitative and qualitative research in Zambia between January 2017 and July 2018 to examine the effects on the immunization system of administering the measles-containing vaccine (MCV) in 5-dose vials rather than the standard 10-dose vials. The Government of Zambia recommends lyophilized MCV at 9 months of age for…

Routine Health Information Systems: A Curriculum on Basic Concepts and Practice – Syllabus

In this core course, students will study the design, implementation, and strengthening of RHIS, which is the most common source of information on health services management and programs. An RHIS also provides regular information for many core indicators of the national health strategy. Using practical case studies, participants will learn how to improve the performance…

Routine Health Information Systems: A Curriculum on Basic Concepts and Practice – Facilitators’ Guide

In this core course, students will study the design, implementation, and strengthening of RHIS, which is the most common source of information on health services management and programs. An RHIS also provides regular information for many core indicators of the national health strategy. Using practical case studies, participants will learn how to improve the performance…

Introducing 5-dose Measles-Rubella Vaccine Vials in Zambia: Research Findings

The Dose Per Container Partnership (DPCP) explored decision making on dose per container (DPC) options in a number of countries to better understand the relationship between DPC and immunization system components. In Zambia, from January 2017 through August 2018, DPCP conducted implementation research using quantitative and qualitative methods, introducing 5-dose vials of measles-rubella (MR) vaccine…

Programmatic assessment of electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN)

eVIN is a technology system that digitizes vaccine stocks through a smartphone application and builds the capacity of program managers and cold chain handlers to integrate technology in their regular work. To effectively manage the vaccine logistics, in 2015, this technology was rolled-out in 12 states of India. This study assessed the programmatic usefulness of…

Rapport de l’analyse des données de routine de la cohorte des femmes enceintes séropositives vues en consultation prénatale jusqu’à l’accouchement

L’objectif de cette étude est d’améliorer l'utilisation des informations relatives au VIH/SIDA pour la prise de décision basée sur l’évidence. JSI, 2018.

Standards for Integration of HIV/AIDS Information Systems into Routine Health Information Systems

This guide describes approaches and standards for integration of vertical information systems with the RHIS. It uses HIV/AIDS information systems primarily, as examples of best practices and what is required for achieving integration with RHIS. These principals are cross-cutting, however, and can be applied to nearly any disease or program-specific information system. General aspects of…

A Case Study of the Integrated Patient Monitoring System in Cote d’Ivoire

This case study was conducted immediately following the field test of the tools in order to gather information that would be informative for the national scale-up of the tools. The case study examines tool users' perceptions of the tools and whether they believe the IPMS improves service integration, patient monitoring, program management and health information system performance.

Using Participatory Mapping to Assess Service Catchment and Coverage. Guidance from the Iringa Participatory Mapping Exercise

Effective program planning requires matching services with service needs. Program efficiency is enhanced when resources are targeted to or focused on program priorities, including areas of greatest need, underserved locations, or vulnerable populations. Geographic information systems (GIS) can be an effective decision-support tool to provide policy makers, program planners, and other stakeholders with maps of…

Geospatial Analysis in Global Health M&E: A Process Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation for Informed Decision Making

This guide provides information on key decision-making points for selecting appropriate geospatial analysis techniques, resources, and outputs that will support informed programmatic decision-making. It is designed to address the increasing complexity of the program environment and help users make the best use of today’s richer data environment. It is also meant to help address the…

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