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About the Digital Health Activity

An overview of JSI's work through the USAID-funded Digital Health Activity to digitize Ethiopia's health sector. 

Laos Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Activity

This fact sheet describes the objectives of the Laos Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Activity: a five-year project dedicated to improving reproductive, maternal, and child health through contextually tailored technical assistance in five provinces across Lao PDR.

Nigeria Zero-Dose Landscape

The purpose of this landscape is to provide the Gavi CLH and stakeholders in Nigeria with a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within the country, with a special focus on ZD and UI children. Gavi defines a ZD child as one who has not received a single dose of a diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis-containing…

NVI Newsletter January 2024

The New Vaccine Introduction (NVI) Team at John Snow India Private Limited (JSIPL) is involved in providing technical support for the introduction of new vaccines under the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP), including the Rotavirus Vaccine (RVV) and the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV). As we inch closer to a decade of impactful work in the NVI…

URZA Newsletter Issue 2

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is supporting a 3-year Urban Routine Immunization (RI) project implemented by JSIPL in 23 National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) cities falling in 12 districts (3 in Bihar and 9 in Uttar Pradesh). The project, launched in December 2020, works closely with the government at all levels to assist…

The Digital Health Activity 2023 Report

This report highlights the numerous systems JSI-Ethiopia's USAID-funded Digital Health Activity develops and operates along with their critical outcomes. These systems have increased the agility of the supply chain, enabled greater support to primary health workers; enabled the national health sector to rely upon and use accurate data to guide program decision making; and resulted…

JSI in The Kyrgyz Republic

JSI has partnered with the Kyrgyz Republic for more than three decades, implementing programs to help strengthen the country’s health system to improve services—and ultimately, people’s lives. JSI combines best practices, public health expertise, and practical knowledge to work with the government and local partners to strengthen the health system in five areas: health systems…

Capacity Strengthening Journeys: Navigating Humanitarian Health Supply Chains to Find Paths for Advancement

Over a two-year period, 156 supply chain personnel from humanitarian organizations around the globe participated in online or in-person training courses to expand their knowledge of health supply chains. The courses strengthened participants’ ability to manage pharmaceutical and medical commodities (PMCs) and respond to complex supply chain challenges during humanitarian crises. Following the courses, 17…

Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings Infographic 2024

This infographic summarizes the accomplishments of the USAID-funded Building Capacity to Improve Health Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings program from February 2022 to February 2024. 

Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) 2023 Year in Review

2023 was a big year for CHISU. Our program expanded to include work in 23 countries—and in July, we reached the mid-project mark of our implementation. As we look ahead to another productive year with CHISU, we are excited to share that the project has been extended until 2026. It’s rewarding to see USAID’s commitment…

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