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Journey Map Series: Makassar It’s All Connected

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in three cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

Journey Map Series: Makassar Health Services

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in three cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

Journey Map Series: Makassar Public Safety

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in three cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

Factors limiting immunization coverage in Urban Dili, Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste’s immunization coverage is among the poorest in Asia. The 2009/2010 Demographic and Health Survey found that complete vaccination coverage in urban areas, at 47.7%, was lower than in rural areas, at 54.1%. The city of Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste, had even lower coverage (43.4%) than the national urban average. A mixed-methods (mainly qualitative)…

Journey Map Series: Indore Forgotten Bridge

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in three cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

Journey Map Series: Indore Citizen Participation

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in three cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

Journey Map Series: Indore Access to Health Services

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in three cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

Consumers’ Experience in the Massachusetts Personal Care Attendant Program: Findings from 2018

This report summarizes key findings from a 2018 study of the Massachusetts Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program. It describes the PCA consumer population and their use of the program, their needs, administrative issues, PCA recruitment and retention, consumer satisfaction, and recommendations for improvement. The report concludes with a synthesis of the findings and offers implications…

Building Healthy Cities

This document highlights the work of JSI's Building Healthy Cities project. The USAID-funded initiative aims to embed a health equity lens into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow for existing Smart Cities in India, Indonesia, Nepal, and Vietnam. Health and Smart Cities planning are related; decisions about transport, environment, sanitation, education, recreation,…

Indore Data Use and Access Assessment

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project aims to increase the understanding of the best routes for improving the social determinants of health in urban contexts. In its first year, BHC conducted several exploratory data collection activities in two "Smart Cities" to inform the project's approach. The resulting data is intended to be used by…

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