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Found 1887 results

Identifying Signs of Sickness in Newborns

The India National Health Mission works toward reduction of under-five mortality and has been developing and implementing unique strategies to achieve that goal. The majority of deaths under five occur during infancy and particularly newborns so effective newborn care is a crucial challenge faced by every health care setting dealing in maternal and child health. Training of ANMs…

SPRING: Summary of Qualitative Findings in Kisoro and Lira Districts, Uganda

SPRING is collecting data prospectively in two countries—Uganda and Nepal—to document the decision making process for prioritizing and funding nutrition relevant activities within the context of their national nutrition action plans (NNAP). We began work in Uganda in November 2013. The overall goal of these “Pathways to Better Nutrition” case studies is to provide insight…

SPRING: Participatory Community-Led Video Approach Catalyzes Social and Behavior Change for Nutrition

Stories pass on information and evoke an emotional and physical response that make them catalytic tools for changing behavior. SPRING has introduced an innovative storytelling approach using community-developed participatory videos to promote high-impact nutrition and hygiene behaviors in India, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Senegal. This poster highlights the SPRING community video for nutrition approach,…

Case Study: Supply Chain Risk Management, USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, Task Order 5

In 2010, the management team of the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT task order for procurement and distribution of essential public health supplies (Task Order 5) met in a workshop with USAID representatives and technical assistance consultants to begin a completely different approach to managing their activities. The stated objective of Task Order 5 was to…

WHO’s 2010 Recommendations for HIV Treatment: National Guideline Revision Challenges and Lessons Learned

In 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) first published guidelines for a public health approach to scaling up antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-limited settings. These guidelines were simplified in 2003 and revised in 2006. Throughout 2009, WHO engaged with multiple stakeholders to update HIV treatment guidelines, culminating in the dissemination of Rapid Advice: Antiretroviral Therapy…

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: A Guide to Safer Health Care Waste Management Practices – Program Management Guide

Health care waste management is an integral component of any VMMC program. It is essential for any VMMC project/program to develop a phased approach to support the VMMC project lifecycle, spanning situational analysis to system evaluation of hazardous waste management. To support the analysis and evaluation methods, SCMS developed assessment tools to collect data for…

Uganda’s Zero Grazing Campaign

In 1990, some 18 percent of Ugandan adults were HIV positive, the highest rate in the world at the time. But shortly thereafter, the HIV rate began to plummet, and by the end of the decade, it had fallen by almost two thirds. How did this happen? And what can other countries learn from this…

Treatability and Demonstration Testing of Cement-Based Solidification/Stabilization Technology Applications for Unusable Pharmaceutical Products Technical Report

The collection, treatment, and disposal of large volumes of unusable pharmaceutical products (UPP) comprising expired drugs and medicinals, test kits, laboratory reagents, and the like typically pose substantial and difficult challenges. This is particularly the case in most developing countries where UPP generators are widely dispersed and with available or viable UPP treatment and disposal…

The Changing Face of HIV Prevention Programs in Burkina Faso and Togo

This program review is a direct response to the urgent need to strengthen and expand HIV prevention for men who have sex with men (MSM) and sex workers (SW) in West Africa. This review focuses on the programmatic context, and it complements epidemiologic and policy reviews also commissioned by PEPFAR funded through the U.S. Agency…

The Astonishing Neglect of an HIV Prevention Strategy: The Value of Integrating Family Planning and HIV Services

In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly Special Sessions (UNGASS) set a target of reducing HIV-positive births by 50 percent by the year 2010. The goal was to be achieved with the implementation of a four-part strategy to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV: Prevent primary HIV infections in women Prevent unintended pregnancies in HIV-positive…

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