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Health Information Technology is Transforming Community Health

Digital health, and the software developers behind innovations in health, is changing the way communities are accessing care and enabling a stronger continuum of care. 

The Electronic Community Health Information System Scale-up for Health Extension Program Improvement Project

An overview of the work of the electronic community health information system for Health Extension Program improvement – a CIFF-funded project in Ethiopia equipping community health workers with digital tools to expand their service delivery abilities. 

Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health at JSI

JSI’s work ensures that every woman and child can access high-quality health care services. Our approach is rooted in a life-course perspective that encompasses childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. We work across the continuum of care—from the community to the health facility—to improve the quality of maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH)…

Innovation in Action: A New Era for TB Prevention and Control

Despite it being preventable and curable, tuberculosis (TB) is still a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated TB’s adverse impact as case notifications plummeted and mortality increased for the first time in over a decade. JSI programs focus on enhancing high-quality prevention and treatment interventions through partnering with national…

RISE Bulletin February 2023

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity-building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from February 2023. 

Vaccine Supply Planning: Responding to the Dynamic Needs of the COVID-19 Vaccine

The COVID-19 Vaccine Collaborative Supply Planning (VCSP) Initiative works with countries to contribute to timely, complete, and accurate information presented in a standardized and usable format that can be used for coordinated operational supply planning decisions. Improving supply planning decisions can ensure sufficient quantities of vaccines are available when and where needed, as well as…

Reimagining Technical Assistance Introductory Presentation

This is an introductory presentation on Reimagining Technical Assistance. It was presented at an event at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) in Washington, D.C. in March 2023. 

Preventing Malaria in Uganda Through the Mass Action Against Malaria Approach

The mass action against malaria (MAAM) is a multisector approach implemented by USAID PMI Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity (MRA) that aims to address gaps in malaria prevention and management by engaging various stakeholders at the different levels– from district, community and household. This approach is coupled with community interventions including test and treat or campaigns…

Immunization – India Update, January – March 2023

The role of the Immunization Technical Support Unit (ITSU) as a think tank for the Immunization Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and its collaboration with immunization partners to ensure no child is left unvaccinated is at the core of this edition. This quarterly newsletter developed by ITSU highlights India's work from January through March…

One Health Information Assessment Tool (OHIAT) Maturity Model

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global levels — with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes, recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. One Health is both an approach and an outcome – optimal health for people, animals, plants,…

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