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Immunization Service Experience Toolkit: Discussion Questions

Immunization Service Experience includes the factors within and beyond the interactions between a health worker and an immunization client which influence the delivery and experience of the immunization service. This document contains a series of discussion questions designed to engage stakeholders in dialogue about implementing a positive, person-centered immunization service experience within their country's context. …

Let’s talk! Harnessing the power and influence of the media to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination in Zambia

In December 2021, with a national vaccination coverage of 12.5%, the Zambian government launched a COVID-19 vaccination campaign to get 2 million doses in arms by the end of the year. In addition, the government introduced new COVID-19 vaccination guidelines, which included requiring vaccination proof for public-sector workers to access public buildings. When this unleashed…

Transforming social and behavior communication using digital platforms: the case of USSD HIV self-assessment and PrEP adherence support tools

In 2018 in Zambia, the JSI-implemented USAID DISCOVER-Health project was one of the first to roll out pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).  In October 2018, the project developed an unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) information management system, accessed through peer-to-peer interaction on social platforms, to support PrEP self-risk assessment and improve linkage to services. This abstract was…

It is not vaccine hesitancy; it is lack of access: increasing access accelerates COVID-19 vaccination in a Zambian district

In December 2021, the USAID DISCOVER-Health Project, implemented by JSI, supported the Ministry of Health (MOH) to increase demand for and uptake of COVID-19 vaccination through a national campaign. The government planned to vaccinate 2 million people by the end of the year and each district was assigned a target according to its population. This…

Periodic HIV Index Case Testing: A Worthwhile Approach to Reach “The Unreached” in the Journey to Epidemic Control

With over 90% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) already diagnosed in Zambia (MoH-ZAMPHIA, 2019), it has become increasingly difficult to reach those who remain untested and undiagnosed. The JSI-implemented USAID DISCOVER-Health Project embarked on a robust initiative to identify potentially untested PLHIV.  Between July and August 2021, USAID DISCOVER-Health offered index testing to clients…

The Race to End AIDS and COVID-19: How edutainment and a rallying call to run for a cause boosted HIV prevention and COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Zambia

In Zambia, girls and young women ages 15–24 and men ages 20–34 years are among the most vulnerable to HIV (ZAMPHIA 2019). COVID-19 has decreased access to HIV testing and treatment services (Ministry Of Health [MOH], Jan 2022). In response, the USAID ZAM-Health and DISCOVER-Health projects, implemented by JSH and JSI respectively, in collaboration with…

Harnessing influence: Accelerating COVID-19 vaccination in Zambia through engagement and involvement of local leaders

Following global trends, Zambia anticipated a fourth COVID-19 wave in December 2021. As of November 2021, only 12.5% of the eligible population were fully vaccinated, and 4.6% had received their first dose. To get more people vaccinated and help protect against severe forms of COVID-19 and the associated mortality, the Ministry of Health (MOH) launched…

Improved Access to Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment for Women Living with HIV in Central Zambia

USAID SAFE increased cervical cancer screening and treatment through two main strategies: enhanced screening and treatment of precancerous lesions through outreach activities in hard-to-reach and hardly reached facilities, and enhanced support for the same-day treatment of precancerous lesions. This included training and mentoring service providers in visual inspection with acetic acid and loop electro-surgical excision….

Increasing demand for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among pregnant and breastfeeding women to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission in three USAID SAFE-supported provinces in Zambia

The USAID Supporting an AIDS-Free Era (SAFE) program supports the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s HIV program by providing clients who have been exposed to HIV with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent transmission and target HIV-negative PBFW, among people at high risk. PrEP for PBFW has slowly been provided in USAID SAFE facilities and surrounding communities….

Improving viral load suppression rate among pediatrics on antiretroviral therapy in Central Province, Zambia

The HIV viral load suppression rate in USAID Supporting an AIDS Free Era (SAFE)-supportedZambian facilities differs by age. Children below 15 years have a lower suppression rate than adults, attributed to health facility-related factors such as suboptimal regimens, drug under-dosing, and underlying infections. Client-related factors include poor drug storage, missing dosages, under-dosing, and lack of…

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