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Digital Health in Focus, Vol 1, Issue 2

Volume 1: Issue 2 of Digital Health in Focus, a quarterly newsletter from the Digital Health Activity. Distributed December 2021.  

Organizational Capacity: An Enhanced Framework

USAID’s MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator tells the collective story of MOMENTUM’s impact. With this perspective, this report provides an overview of current organizational capacity literature and proposes a new enhanced framework that reflects on the evolution of capacity development thinking in recent years. The framework also considers MOMENTUM’s programmatic interests in performance, resilience, sustainability, adaptive learning, and systems thinking. This new framework…

Makassar Multisector Data Integration Series: Phase 2 Summary

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project is supporting data integration to improve data-driven decision making in Makassar, Indonesia, and worked with the city to adapt existing and familiar platforms. This activity was accomplished in 3 phases: stakeholder engagement; data aggregation and preparation; and training and capacity building. This report summarizes the series of workshops…

Standardizing Paper-based LMIS Tools to Optimize Inventory Strategy

Using well designed, standardized paper-based LMIS tools,Alight ensured that essential data are captured at all levels of the supply chain to inform resupply decisions and prevent stockouts of essential and specialized medical supplies. Through the USAID-funded Building Capacity to Improve Pharmaceutical and Medical Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings Project, JSI improves the capacity of…

Cure Tuberculosis: Year II Annual Results

The Cure TB Project works closely with the Kyrgyz government to ensure that TB services are both high-quality and accessible, even for the country’s most hard-to-reach citizens. As stigma and discrimination often prevent people from getting the services they need, the project will work to reduce tuberculosis stigma and discrimination among health care providers and…

TIFA Accelerator Series – Resilience & Commitment in the Face of COVID-19

Over the last year, Africa University (AU) in Zimbabwe has overcome obstacles presented by COVID-19 to implement five TB commitment grants (TCGs) provided by the USAID-funded Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement Project (TIFA). AU’s experience shows how strong leadership, healthy partnerships, persistence, and creativity make the difference between stalled programs and success.

Getting Medicines to Palestinian Refugees: A Simple Tool Links Data to Monitor Stock Levels for Pharmaceuticals

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) developed an easy-to-use Excel-based tool to integrate data systems and help monitor pharmaceutical stock levels across health centers. 

Madagascar Technical Brief – Reaching Madagascar’s Community Health Volunteers with Critical Information During COVID-19 Using Interactive Voice Response

On March 20, 2020, Madagascar reported its first positive COVID-19 case. By May 31, 2020, the MOPH reported 790 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 616 in treatment and six deaths. Mahefa Miaraka played an active role in the Government of Madagascar’s (GOM) COVID-19 epidemic response efforts at the national, regional, district, and community levels in coordination…

Journey Map Series: Da Nang Wastewater Overflow to My Khe Beach

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is testing how to successfully apply urban planning approaches that improve the social determinants of health in complex systems. The project is using several tools and processes to create coalitions and organize its approach in four cities in Asia. One key process is documenting citizen experiences in each city through Journey…

TIFA Accelerator Series – Selection Process in the Philippines

After an introduction to the Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) Project and the TB commitment grant (TCG) co-design process, USAID Philippines asked TIFA to help the Department of Health – National TB Control Program (DOH-NTP) to identify local government units (LGUs) to implement TCGs. Together the team developed selection and co-design processes tailored to the…

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