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Found 1887 results

Makassar Multisector Data Integration Series: Phase 1 Summary

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project is supporting data integration to improve data-driven decision making in Makassar, Indonesia, and worked with the city to adapt existing and familiar platforms. This activity was accomplished in 3 phases: stakeholder engagement; data aggregation and preparation; and training and capacity building. Phase 1: Stakeholder Engagement kicked off a…

Da Nang Workshop Report: Solid Waste Management Meeting

In Da Nang, Vietnam, Building Healthy Cities (BHC) works with the Smart City program and other multisectoral stakeholders to prioritize, plan, and fund urban health activities on citizen reporting systems, waste management, food safety, and community engagement, among others. In order to encourage multisectoral collaboration to address the complexity of healthy city issues, BHC holds…

Bimonthly Rota Talk Newsletter, Issue 12, 2021

JSI India publishes the bimonthly Rota Talk newsletter to regularly update partners and the government on the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine in India. JSI India is the lead technical partner for the rotavirus vaccine introduction in India. As of September 2019, India had officially introduced rotavirus vaccine in all 37 states and Union Territories…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Community-Led Transport Solutions Improve Access to Health Care

In Madagascar, the mortality rates for mothers and children under five (CU5) were 335 and 51 per 100,000 in 2019, respectively. To reduce maternal and under-five deaths, timely access to skilled care is critical before, during, and after pregnancy, and throughout a child’s first five years of life. Delays in seeking access to quality care…

Ethiopia’s Information Revolution: Five Year Progress Report

The Information Revolution (IR) led by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) was one of four key transformation agendas in the first Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). The IR agenda was launched in response to increasing demands for health information and opportunities to leverage advancements in information and communications technology (ICT). To advance the IR objectives,…

Standard Operating Procedure: Service counseling for partners and children of index clients by test result

This standard operating procedure (SOP) guides HIV index counselors. It provides tips on how to counsel sexual or drug injecting partners as well as biological children of an HIV index client, with content guided by HIV test result.

Engaging family members in maternal, infant and young child nutrition activities in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic scoping review

The influence of fathers, grandmothers and other family members on maternal, infant and young child nutrition practices has been well documented for decades, yet many social and behavioral interventions continue to reach only mothers. While recent guidelines recommend involving fathers, grandmothers and other family members in maternal and child nutrition, we lack a comprehensive review…

Initial implementation of PrEP in Zambia: health policy development and service delivery scale-up

Daily pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention is highly effective, but not yet widely deployed in sub-Saharan Africa. We describe how Zambia developed PrEP health policy and then successfully implemented national PrEP service delivery. Zambia introduced PrEP as a key strategy for HIV prevention in 2016, and established a National PrEP Task Force to lead…

HPV vaccination coverage in three districts in Zimbabwe following national introduction of 0,12 month schedule among 10 to 14 year old girls

Zimbabwe has one of the highest incidence rates of cervical cancer in the world – 61.7 per 100,000 women. The government of Zimbabwe introduced bivalent HPV vaccine with a 0,12 month schedule to all 10–14 year old girls using a pulsed-campaign approach in May 2018 (dose 1) and May 2019 (dose 2). In August 2019, the research…

Policy operationalization at JSI: Translating research and policy into reality

This infographic presents JSI’s framework for operationalizing research or policy, showing how we translate high level policy pronouncements into operational reality. It can be applied to virtually any health area, and includes specific examples of application for HIV programming. 

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