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Found 1887 results

Madagascar Technical Brief – Community-Based Programs Effectively Address Child Health and Nutrition Priorities in Madagascar

A child under five (CU5) can progress from uncomplicated to severe illness within a few hours. In Madagascar, malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, and underlying malnutrition are among the leading causes of illness and death. The country has seen reductions in child deaths, from 93 to 51 deaths per 1,000 live births during the period 2003 to…

Madagascar Technical Brief – Promoting Community Leadership for Measurable Progress in the Fight Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Madagascar has very low immunization coverage, with only 32 percent of children ages 12–23 months having received all their vaccinations, with only 59 percent having received the full three doses of the pentavalent five-in-one vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b infections (DTP-hepB-Hib), according to the 2018 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey…

Beyond Survival: Getting to Thrive – Nurturing Care and Multisectoral Action to Improve Child Health and Well-being

This is the third in a JSI series on child health – Beyond Survival. JSI’s approach to supporting the health of women and children is rooted in a life-course perspective and recognizes that biological, behavioral, environmental, and socioeconomic factors determine health outcomes. Health equity is therefore integral to our work.  

Madagascar Technical Brief – Building Local Sanitation Capabilities for Open Defecation-Free Communities in Madagascar

Approximately two billion people globally lack access to basic sanitation facilities, including a toilet or latrine. Although the number of people practicing open defecation (OD) globally has declined, Madagascar is one of only a few countries that have seen the rate increase, from 38 percent to 45 percent between 2000 and 2017. Approximately 38 percent of…

Map of Supply Chain Activities and JSI Global Presence 2021

We provide technical assistance and training to government agencies and health care organizations for building, scaling up, and managing robust, resilient global health supply chains. This map highlights JSI's health logistics and supply chain work by program area in 2021, 

USAID Transform: Primary Health Care’s leadership, management, and governance program for public health results

The USAID Transform: Primary Health Care leadership, management, and governance (LMG) training and design sessions strengthen the skills of health care managers to identify the root causes of high priority challenges in their facilities and districts and develop solutions. USAID Transform: Primary Health Care designed the LMG program to train and mentor more women from…

Strengthening Immunization Service Experience in Kenya

Partners in the Vaccination Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream are collaborating to inform a new direction in people-centered quality immunization service delivery and re-orient immunization services to include caregiver, client and health worker perspectives and needs. In support of this effort, JSI has consolidated existing knowledge and conducted rapid learning around immunization service experience. This…

Strengthening Immunization Service Experience in Mozambique

Partners in the Vaccination Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream are collaborating to inform a new direction in people-centered quality immunization service delivery and re-orient immunization services to include caregiver, client and health worker perspectives and needs. In support of this effort, JSI has consolidated existing knowledge and conducted rapid learning around immunization service experience. This…

Strengthening Immunization Service Experience in Nepal

Partners in the Vaccination Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream are collaborating to inform a new direction in people-centered quality immunization service delivery and re-orient immunization services to include caregiver, client and health worker perspectives and needs. In support of this effort, JSI has consolidated existing knowledge and conducted rapid learning around immunization service experience. This…

Strengthening Immunization Service Experience in Ghana

Partners in the Vaccination Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream are collaborating to inform a new direction in people-centered quality immunization service delivery and re-orient immunization services to include caregiver, client and health worker perspectives and needs. In support of this effort, JSI has consolidated existing knowledge and conducted rapid learning around immunization service experience. This…

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