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Found 1887 results

Amélioration des prestations de services de vaccination de routine pour les populations pauvres en milieu urbain du Ghana: Résultats de l’analyse situationnelle

Afi n d’identifi er les facteurs potentiels derrière les faibles taux de vaccination chez les communautés pauvres en milieu urbain, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), en collaboration avec le ministère de la Santé (MS) et le Service de santé du Ghana (Ghana Health Service, ou GHS), a mené une analyse situationnelle de sept…

Renforcer la vaccination pour les populations pauvres en zone urbaine : Expériences et enseignements tirés de l’étude de cinq pays – RDC, Ghana, Haiti, Kenya & Kirghizstan

En 2017 et 2018, avec le soutien de Gavi, l’Alliance du Vaccin (Gavi), JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) a passé en revue le statut vaccinal des communautés pauvres en milieu urbain dans les métropoles de cinq pays : la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Ghana, Haïti, le Kenya et le Kirghizstan. Les…

Re-Imagining Technical Assistance for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Health Systems Strengthening: Nigeria Country Case Study

The Re-Imagining Technical Assistance for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Health Systems Strengthening project (RTA) was an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and implemented by the Child Health Task Force, which is managed by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. The project took place in the Democratic Republic of…

Cure Tuberculosis Success Story: USAID Builds Information Systems to Assist the Kyrgyz Government’s Response to COVID-19

With the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Kyrgyz Republic in late March 2020, the Kyrgyz Government tasked the National Reference Laboratory (NRL), along with 12 Sanitary Epidemiological Service (SES) laboratories, with testing for COVID-19. To quickly register and map new cases and control the spread of infection, the country needed a system to…

Cure Tuberculosis Success Story: USAID Builds Multiplicative Approach for Social and Behavior Change Communication

The USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project works to increase people’s awareness of TB and disseminate accurate information about TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. In early 2020, the Project conducted a formative research study on attitudes towards TB testing and treatment, stigma and discrimination, and channels of communication to reach vulnerable groups including migrants, former prisoners, and…

Vaccination Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream Co-Creation Virtual Workshop Summary

From 20-22 July 2020, the Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream hosted a virtual Co-Creation Workshop to assess service experience in the context of COVID-19 and review initial findings from the global, regional, and country level insight gathering; brainstorm opportunities for engagement and development in the service experience space, align on cross organizational roles priorities, and…

Strengthening Immunization Service Experience

Immunization services have historically focused on supply and delivery functions, with insufficient attention to the qualitative and sociobehavioral considerations that improve confidence, acceptance, use and demand.  JSI, in collaboration with Gavi and members of the Demand Hub Service Experience Workstream consolidated existing knowledge and learning around immunization service experience at the global and regional levels…

Involving Community Members, Health Care Workers, and Political Leaders in Developing Solutions: An Evidence-Based Participatory Process to Inform Policy Decisions and Re-Design Community Engagement Strategies

Problem: Ethiopia’s community engagement strategies have been associated with impressive achievements in improving access to and use of primary health care services aligned with the millennium development goals (MDGs). However, progress has slowed due to increasing demand from the community, coupled with demotivation and attrition of community health workers. Approach: The Ethiopian Ministry of Health…

Da Nang Workshop Report: Economic Development Strategies for Young People with Disabilities

In Da Nang, Vietnam, Building Healthy Cities (BHC) works with the Smart City program and other multisectoral stakeholders to prioritize, plan, and fund urban health activities on citizen reporting systems, waste management, food safety, and community engagement, among others. In order to encourage multisectoral collaboration to address the complexity of healthy city issues, BHC holds…

Da Nang Workshop Report: Food Safety Meeting

In Da Nang, Vietnam, Building Healthy Cities (BHC) works with the Smart City program and other multisectoral stakeholders to prioritize, plan, and fund urban health activities on citizen reporting systems, waste management, food safety, and community engagement, among others. In order to encourage multisectoral collaboration to address the complexity of healthy city issues, BHC holds…

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