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Found 1887 results

Roadmap for Achieving Universal Immunization Coverage in Karachi, Pakistan, 2019-2022

The Roadmap for Achieving Universal Immunization Coverage in Karachi, Pakistan, 2019-2022 was developed by the Sindh province Expanded Program on Immunization with support from JSI and other partners. The Roadmap describes gaps and barriers to achieving universal immunization coverage as well as interventions designed to strengthen governance, leadership, and accountability; address gaps in the delivery…

Situational Analysis: Understanding Barriers and Challenges for Addressing Inequity of Urban Immunization Services in Karachi, Pakistan

From December 2018 to March 2019, JSI collaborated with the Government of Sindh’s Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) to conduct a situational analysis of routine immunization in Karachi, Pakistan. Through the analysis, JSI identified gaps in knowledge and resources, barriers and shortcomings in governance, demand generation, and service delivery. This brief provides an overview of…

Delivering Immunization Services Where They Are Needed: RED/REC in Mozambique

Immunization coverage is estimated to be reasonably high in Mozambique, but numbers indicate that there is a problem with timely and correct vaccination. The national coverage rate also masks inequities between districts and communities. To address some of the shortcomings of immunization services, the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) have prioritized…

Democratizing Valuation Example 1: Two Estimates to the Health and Economic Burden of Chronic Disease in San Diego County

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training Institute and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of…

Example 1 (Part 1): The Costs of Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer in California in 2017

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of geography,…

Example 1 (Part 2): Estimation of Healthcare Savings and Productivity Increases from a 20% Reduction in Heart Attacks in San Diego’s Working Age Population by 2030

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of geography,…

Working with Communities to Respond to Tuberculosis

Uganda is among the 30 TB/HIV high-burden countries in the world, with a high incidence of 200/100,000 population in 2018. A significant proportion of tuberculosis (TB) cases are not detected each year, which is a risk factor for spreading TB among the general population. The Lango sub-region has the highest proportion of bacteriologically confirmed cases…

Every Woman, Every Child Final Report

Over the past four decades, JSI has helped more than 80 countries build and maintain strong health systems that are capable of delivering life-saving services and products to women, children, and adolescents, whenever and wherever they need them. A decade ago, JSI pledged to support progress toward the Millennium Development Goals through a 2011–2014 commitment…

Democratizing Valuation: A Guide for Multi-Sector Collaboratives

Multi-sector collaboratives (MSCs) are a promising strategy for moving the needle on high-priority health and equity issues. However, given their breadth and long-term prevention orientation, these collaboratives often struggle to demonstrate their potential cost-effectiveness, return-on-investment, and/or non-financial impacts.  This guide presents real-world examples and a simplified set of valuation tools and processes that MSCs can…

Solar System Installation at GeneXpert Health Facilities Improves Tuberculosis Diagnosis

Despite a power surplus in Uganda, the Lango sub-region in Northern Uganda suffers frequent electricity outages, which affect most of the districts in the sub-region. As a result, much of the laboratory equipment at health facilities are non-functional, leading to expensive repairs, high error rates during GeneXpert testing, long turnaround times for test results, and…

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