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Found 1887 results

Addressing Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Lango is one of the regions with the highest prevalence of Tuberculosis (TB) in Uganda. The number of drug resistant TB (DR-TB) cases has significantly increased from 13 to 16 cases between October to December 2018 compared to the same period in 2020, respectively. The USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services- North Lango project supports…

Improving Case Detection and Treatment of People with Tuberculosis

The USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services- North Lango project supports high-impact facility and community interventions to prevent, detect, treat, and cure tuberculosis (TB). The project focuses on TB case finding; prevention and treatment of both susceptible and drug-resistant TB cases in adults and children; finding missing cases, targeting men to get tested (national and…

Promoting Health Across the Life Course

This brochure provides an overview of JSI’s approach to promoting health across the life course, key strategies for achieving equitable and sustainable outcomes, and a description of the services we provide. 

Effectiveness of Leadership, Management, and Governance Competencies for Performance Improvements at Primary Health Care Entities in Ethiopia: A Before and After Study

Leadership, management, and governance (LMG) interventions play a significant role in improving management systems, enhancing work climate, and creating responsive health systems. The Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health with the support of the USAID Transform: Primary Health Care Activity has been cascading basic LMG training and interventions to primary health care staff.   The results…

Supply Chain Management for Health Care in Humanitarian Response Settings: Addendum to the Supply Chain Manager’s Handbook

Strong supply chain management is needed to save lives and continue to deliver crucial health services and life-saving supplies. The Supply Chain Manager’s Handbook generally refers to supply chain management in support of stable health services, but managers can benefit by learning common best practices in humanitarian and emergency response contexts. Additionally, many concepts are…

Example 2: Santa Clara County PrEP Navigator Program: HIV Impact, Cost-Effectiveness, and Budget Impact Analysis (Valuation Model)

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of geography,…

Re-Imagining Technical Assistance for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Health Systems Strengthening: DRC Country Case Study

This country case study captures experiences and lessons learned in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from the Re-Imagining Technical Assistance for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Health Systems Strengthening (RTA) project, particularly focusing on the co-creation process and its outputs. Co-creation emphasizes collective creativity and collaborative design; its results are quickly integrated…

Example 3: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Humboldt County Screening and Referral Program with a Patient Navigator to Improve Maternal and Infant Outcomes for Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder (Valuation Model)

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of geography,…

Strengthening Health Information Systems in Mali

JSI, through MEASURE Evaluation, supported Mali’s Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MOH)—especially the National Malaria Control Program and the National Directorate of Health—in the unification of Mali’s health information system (HIS). The goal of this unification was for the HIS to yield better-quality data for effective health system planning and timely response to disease outbreak. MEASURE…

Example 2: Santa Clara County PrEP Navigator Program: HIV Impact, Cost-Effectiveness, and Budget Impact Analysis

With support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, through an Exploring the Value of Prevention grant, JSI Research & Training Institute and Minga Analytics set out to develop and test feasible and accessible valuation methods and tools with multi-sector collaborative partners in California. We selected a set of partners who reflected diversity in terms of…

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