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Found 1887 results

Lessons Learned: Adapting Ethiopia’s health supply chain to COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our Digital Health Activity (DHA) team in Ethiopia supported the national pandemic response by ensuring the availability of critical COVID-19 supplies to protect frontline workers and citizens. To ensure availability of COVID-19 essential commodities, DHA quickly leveraged human resources and infrastructure to enhance existing health information systems. These adaptations involved rapidly customizing…

A review of nutrition-related service delivery packages: What they train providers to deliver

To increase coverage of the nutrition and health needs of infants and young children, governments, donors and implementing organisations have developed a range of service delivery packages – often including training materials, job aids such as counselling cards or decision algorithms and monitoring and supervision tools. Unfortunately, these service delivery packages are rarely rolled out…

Use of Quality Improvement Approaches to Strengthen Immunization Service Delivery and Reach the Hardest to Reach Populations

Through a series of four briefs, UI-FHS outlines key strategies for bridging the equity gap for immunization in Ethiopia. JSI’s approach addressed inequity in immunization programming from the ground up, working at the facility, district, and regional levels to carry out the following three strategies: (1) engaging communities in health programming, (2) building health workforce…

Improving Data Use to Achieve More Equitable Service Delivery

High-quality data are essential for immunization programs. As a data-intensive public health service, immunization is an apt case study for the generation, quality, and use of data to inform decision-making and guide programmatic improvements to reach all populations. In Ethiopia, JSI’s RED-QI approach sought to strengthen data use by incorporating use of different types of…

Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Services Program Overview: Liberia

This document, written by JSI in 2017, provides a brief outline of the Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Services (ETP&SS) program in Liberia. The ETP&SS program works to mitigate the risk of resurgence of the Ebola virus. Survivors experience psychological complications that require specialized medical attention, such as anxiety disorders, depression, and posttraumatic stress. The core objectives of…

Improving the Capacity for Immunization Management and Service Delivery

In Ethiopia, challenges to skills-building for healthcare workers (HCWs) include a national capacity building strategy focused almost exclusively on training, combined with high rates of HCW attrition. These and other factors create a perpetual need to train and build the skills of new HCWs. JSI, through the UI-FHS project, responded to these challenges by designing a…

The Systems, Health, and Resiliency Project Brief

The Systems, Health and Resiliency Project (SHARP) is a three-year (2019-2022), USAID-supported development project that works to reduce maternal and infant mortality in Yemen by focusing on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child health, and nutrition coupled with support services to mitigate life-threatening challenges such as COVID-19, malnutrition, and diarrhea. SHARP is implemented by John Snow, Inc….

Support for Successful Introduction of COVID-19 Vaccines

This brief highlights some of the challenges to successfully delivering the COVID-19 vaccine. The dynamic nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and the immunization response to it means that country needs will shift over time. The  MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project  brings technical capabilities to strengthen vaccination roll-out and address emerging priorities as they…

Baseline Ebola Survivor Assessment

This document assesses the Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Services (ETP&SS) in Liberia. The program is being implemented in the four counties in Liberia with the highest concentration of Ebola survivors; Montserrado, Lofa, Bong and Margibi. The intended beneficiary population of the ETP&SS program in Liberia is EVD survivors, who will be represented by their…

Building Capacity within the Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors

This document describes how the Strengthening Health Systems Post-Ebola (SHSPE) program has been working with the Sierra Leone Association for Ebola Survivors (SLAES) to support its organizational capacity building. The program’s objective was to help SLAES become an effective, autonomous institution that can serve EVD survivors and advocate for their needs. This has included supporting…

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