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Building Facility-Community Partnerships to Improve Equitable Service Delivery for Immunization

JSI views community knowledge and input as a critical and often underused component of strong health care systems. To improve immunization in the challenging UI-FHS regions, JSI brought community members into facility- and woreda-level immunization activities in Ethiopia, and utilized their knowledge of catchment areas and populations to target and strengthen immunization planning and implementation….

Can Communities Manage and Finance Basic Health Facility Maintenance?

Following the Post-Ebola Recovery of Health Services (PERHS) program in Sierra Leone, USAID asked JSI to develop a pilot program for community-led health facility maintenance and preventive maintenance (M/PM). The resulting Sustaining Health Facility Improvements (SHFI) program was active in 70 communities in three rural districts. This document outlines the objectives, approaches, key results, and…

Local Capacity Initiative Final Report January 2019

In 2013, the U.S. Government, with funding from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), established the Local Capacity Initiative (LCI) to strengthen the sustainability of national HIV and AIDS responses through increased advocacy capacity of local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). 14 countries and regions (Botswana, Cameroon, Caribbean, Central Asian Republics, Dominican Republic, Ghana,…

Strengthening Health Services Post-Ebola: Country Program in Review Sierra Leone

This document provides an overview of the Strengthening Health Services post-ebola (SHSPE) program in Sierra Leone, a program that was initiated to support the Comprehensive Program for Ebola Survivors (CPES) and prevent further Ebola transmission by reducing the risks of resurgence; providing clinical services to survivors; and defining strategies to reducing stigma, discrimination, and other…

Country Program in Review Haiti January 2019

This document provides an overview of APC’s work with USAID from 2014 to September 2017 to support 11 local organizations whose missions range from providing health care and outreach to specific populations—such as prisoners, disabled people, and schoolchildren—to distributing medical commodities countrywide. APC built organizational and staff capacity to ensure that grantees could implement operational…

Responding to Ebola Survivor Needs Strengthens the Health System in Sierra Leone

This document outlines the Comprehensive Program for Ebola Survivors (CPES) as part of the ‘Resilient Zero’ pillar of the president’s 10–24 month post-Ebola recovery priorities in Sierra Leone. The CPES program included two phases of interventions at the community, primary, secondary, and tertiary levels to meet EVD survivors’ health and social needs, in addition to…

Advancing Partners & Communities, Sierra Leone Program Overview and Accomplishments

This document is a brief summary of APC’s project operating under USAID’s Global Health Ebola Team. The project aims to fill gaps while attending to the most pressing needs for RMNCH service strengthening. APC provides direct technical assistance at the national level and implements district level activities in partnership with five nongovernmental organizations. The project…

Health Games – Cultivating social and virtual engagements for improving health

inSupply Health has implemented gaming across different use cases in both public and private health sectors. This brief highlights the approach inSupply Health took to develop the Your Choice! Your Future! game and the Building Healthy Lifestyles gaming for health programs. Over 1000 youth between 15 – 24 years across 10 tertiary institutions in Kenya…

TIFA Accelerator Series: Uzbekistan

The Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) Project helps accelerate country progress towards TB eradication on their Journey to Self-Reliance by developing and managing fixed amount awards, known as TB Commitment Grants (TCG), with National TB Programs to implement locally generated solutions. Through remote engagement, the Uzbekistan National TB Program worked with TIFA to develop a…

TIFA Accelerator Series: Zimbabwe

The Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) Project, helps accelerate country progress towards TB eradication. TIFA also supports countries on their Journey to Self-Reliance by providing fixed-amount awards, known as TB Commitment Grants (TCGs), to enable National TB Control Programs to implement locally generated, sustainable solutions. In July 2020, Zimbabwe initiated four TIFA-funded TB Commitment Grants,…

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