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Annex: Secure HIV Programs for Key Populations, a Resource for Humanitarian Settings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

This Annex is part of a security toolkit, AMAN MENA. Security Protections for Organizations Working with Key Populations to Strengthen HIV Programming in the Middle East and North Africa describing how to securely operate HIV programs for key populations in the MENA region. It describes the wide-ranging humanitarian settings in the MENA region and the security…

Kenya’s HPV Introduction (and JSI’s Experiences)

In Kenya, cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths and the second most common cancer among women. In January 2019, as part of a strategy for preventing and reducing the burden of cervical cancer, the Kenya Ministry of Health (MOH)—through the National Vaccines and Immunization Programme (NVIP)—began preparations to introduce human papillomavirus…

RISE Bulletin 1 January 2021

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from 1 January 2021. 

RISE Bulletin 15 January 2021

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from 15 January 2021. 

Makassar Workshop Report: Community Town Halls

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) conducted several exploratory data collection activities in Makassar, Indonesia to gain a baseline understanding of the health status of the city’s citizens and their risk factors. The results were combined with input from key stakeholders to develop a systems map of the various sectors and elements that affect health. BHC shared…

Makassar Workshop Report: Musrenbang Prioritization Training

In Makassar, Indonesia, Building Healthy Cities (BHC) works with City Planning and Development (Bappeda), Kominfo, and other key stakeholders to support the city’s vision and long-term goal to become a world-class city that is healthy and livable for all. Bappeda uses citizen-powered (or “bottom-up”) processes in planning to inform the traditional “top-down” directives, indicators, and…

Gender-Based Barriers and Enablers to Access TB Services in West Bengal, India

This report presents findings from a qualitative study conducted by the THALI Project in 2018 to explore the barriers and enablers in accessing TB services and whether the access to and use of treatment differed by gender. The study focused on the barriers and enablers in accessing TB services by TB patients to understand the…

A Process Documentation on Improving TB Diagnostic Services in Hard-to-reach Areas of West Bengal, India

In hard-to-reach areas a significant proportion of patients are not tested for TB because the Designated Microscopy Center (DMC) is located far away and public transport is often inadequate. Furthermore, there is no dedicated sputum transportation mechanism at the primary-care level. Thus, having a dedicated sputum collection and transportation mechanism at these hard-to-reach PHC is…

Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) 10-year Review

In 2005, USAID under PEPFAR established the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) to provide a reliable, cost-effective, and secure supply of products for HIV/AIDS programs in PEPFAR-supported countries. The project’s goal was to make real and lasting progress toward achieving universal access by bringing down the cost of treatment and strengthening in-country supply chains. By…

Rhode Island Ryan White Consumer Survey 2019

This document presents the results of a survey of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who access care services in Rhode Island. The goals of the survey effort were to assess service utilization, barriers to care, needs that are not being met by current services, and risk and prevention behavior and also to determine social, demographic,…

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