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We document and disseminate various results, trainings, and resources from our research, programs, and projects.

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Health Care Waste Management Monitoring Tool

This SCMS-produced excel-based tool supports monitoring voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) campaigns inefficiently evaluating the current health care waste management practices at campaign sites and includes a questionnaire for data collection at VMMC sites.

Handbook on Counselling and Psychosocial Care for Children and Adolescents Living with and Affected by HIV in Africa

The AIDSFree project collaborated with clinicians across sub-Saharan Africa through ANECCA to develop this comprehensive guide for health care providers working with children and adolescents who are HIV positive or affected by HIV. The guide provides information on HIV clinical care; growth and development; mental health; child protection; counseling and communication; disclosure; loss, grief, and bereavement;…

Rights to Equality in the Middle East and North Africa: Building Evidence-Based Responses to Protect and Promote Human Rights among Vulnerable and Marginalized Populations

This is an AIDSFree-produced report on the Rights to Equality project which worked to address the impact of inequality, discrimination, and human rights barriers on marginalized populations, which are impeding access to, and retention in, HIV services in Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

The National Integrated Case Management Training Manual for Community Caseworkers (Tanzania)

This JSI produced training manual, by JSI’s Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP),  focused on the creation of a National Integrated Case Management System (NICMS) that will bridge this coordination gap by linking social welfare, protection, and HIV services providers and structures at the subnational level.

Standard Operating Procedure Manual for Condoms and Lubricants Logistics Management in Nigeria, Version 1

  In Nigeria, standardized operating procedures (SOPs) for logistics are required to accommodate demand created from multiple distribution channels, to ensure a structured supply of condoms, and to manage data related to condoms and lubricants in HIV/STI prevention programs. This JSI produced standard operating procedure (SOP) for condoms and lubricants logistics management in Nigeria, Version…

Landscape Assessment of Health Product Wholesaler and Distributor Capabilities and Opportunities in Five Countries in SSA: Cross Country Summary Report

This PFSCM produced report summarizes study findings intended to understand the capabilities of wholesalers/distributors that can partner with governments, pharmaceutical companies, and product developers to increase health care product availability in selected country markets in Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal.  

Placing Tobacco Users at the Center of Cessation Research to Inform State Tobacco Control Program Initiatives

Treating tobacco and nicotine dependence requires both effective and personalized options. In fact, in a study involving adults who currently use tobacco, despite strong motivation to quit, most struggled with dependence, stress, triggers, and lack of readiness, all of which ultimately limited their ability to stay quit. Those in the study shared that strategies to…

Gender Integration and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response: Training Manual

The Strengthening High Impact Interventions for an AIDS-free Generation (AIDSFree) Project designed and delivered a three-day, face-to-face training for the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) implementing partners working with orphans and other vulnerable children and key populations to increase implementing partners’ capacity to design and implement interventions that are gender-aware and -transformative,…

What Are the Main Barriers to Immunization in Cite Soleil

The Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) of Haiti, through the National Coordination Unit of the Vaccination Program (UCNPV), established a partnership with JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) with funding from Gavi, the vaccine alliance, in order to strengthen the routine immunization system in Cité Soleil. One of the activities conducted by…

Immunization Dose Per Container Decision Support Resource

The number of doses per container (DPC) can impact the ability to efficiently achieve a country’s goals for timely and equitable coverage, and also has implications for safety, costs, supply chain, and wastage. Given the complexity associated with trade-offs between price and immunization coverage and other system components, it is important that immunization stakeholders understand…

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