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Found 1887 results

Toolkit for Transition of Care and Other Services for Adolescents Living with HIV

Increasing numbers of perinatally infected children are surviving to adolescence and adulthood. This group is emerging as a unique population and a unique challenge for policy makers, programmers and service providers, thus requiring attention and a stronger understanding of their unique needs to support their continued health and development. This toolkit is designed to support…

Assessment of the Information Technology Infrastructure of the Three Ministries Involved in the “One Health” Approach in Burkina Faso

Health information systems (HIS) strengthening in developing countries is becoming increasingly dependent on more sophisticated tools and software that require an adequate information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure that allows data to be easily captured, transferred, stored, reviewed, and analyzed all the while supporting a broad dissemination of the information produced in order to inform data-based decision…

Mental health among Ebola survivors in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea: results from a cross-sectional study

During the unprecedented 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea experienced more than 28000 cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD), leaving an estimated 10000 survivors. The unprecedented number of survivors has raised questions about long-term health complications of EVD survivorship and the capacity of local health systems to meet these needs. The impacts of…

Improving maternal and newborn care: cost-effectiveness of an innovation to rebrand traditional birth attendants in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, where about 40% of births are conducted without a skilled health provider, maternal mortality is estimated to be highest in the world, at 1360 deaths per 100,000 live births (WHO). Neonatal mortality also remains among the highest in the world at 33.2 neonatal deaths per 1000 live births (UN IGME; Statistics Sierra…

Conducting mixed-methods research with Ebola survivors in a complex setting in Sierra Leone

In late 2015, the Sierra Leone government established the Comprehensive Program for Ebola Survivors (CPES) to improve the well-being of 3466 registered Ebola virus disease (EVD) survivors. This case analysis outlines the challenges of conducting research studies on the health situation of these EVD survivors in a complicated, post-Ebola context. It outlines strategies to address…

Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in Ethiopia: Tools

The Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment (QTSA) is conducted with the support of four tools: the Facility Audit, the Provider Interview, the Patient Interview, and the Register Review. MEASURE Evaluation—a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)— developed these four tools with the assistance of colleagues at USAID. The tools exist…

Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in Ethiopia: Report

WHO has identified 30 countries where tuberculosis (TB) burden is high, including Ethiopia. The incidence of TB in Ethiopia was estimated to be 151 per 100,000 population, and the mortality was 22 per 100,000 population in 2018. TB treatment coverage was 69 percent in 2018, indicating that 31 percent of TB cases were missed. In response,…

Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment: Global Tools

The Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment (QTSA) is conducted with the support of four tools: the Facility Audit, the Provider Interview, the Patient Interview, and the Register Review. MEASURE Evaluation—a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—developed these four tools with the assistance of colleagues at USAID. These tools exist in…

Reducing Child Marriage and Related Reproductive Morbidity and Mortality among High-Risk and Married Girls in 3 regions of Madagascar

Madagascar has the 14th highest rate of child marriage: 12 % of girls married by age 15, and 40% by age 18, with 13% of boys married by age 18. The USAID Community Capacity for Health program in Madagascar delivered a presentation to USAID on the program's work to combat child, early and forced marriage…

Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in Nigeria: Tools

The Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment (QTSA) is conducted with the support of four tools: the Facility Audit, the Provider Interview, the Patient Interview, and the Record Review (consisting of two parts). MEASURE Evaluation—a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—developed these four tools with the assistance of colleagues at USAID….

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