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Visual Results from USAID’s Reinforce Basic Health Services Project

The Reinforce Basic Health Services Project (Reinforce) is improving the lives of Timor-Leste’s citizens by strengthening the Ministry of Health’s ability to provide high-quality essential health services. This document, developed in 2020, provides visual results of Reinforce's work in Timor-Leste. 

Engaging Young People as Adolescent Reproductive Health Educators in Timor-Leste

JSI's USAID-supported Reinforce Basic Health Services Project worked with colleagues in the Ministry of Health and a local youth-led NGO to design and develop an interactive adolescent reproductive health curriculum to provide critical information to improve reproductive health and gender equity outcomes. This report was written by JSI in 2020. 

City Knowledge Exchange Series: Bioremediation in Indore

JSI's Building Healthy Cities project, funded by USAID, aims to embed a health equity lens into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow for existing Smart Cities. This City Knowledge Exchange Series highlights city-led efforts to improve urban health in three BHC partner cities: Indore, India; Makassar, Indonesia; and Da Nang, Vietnam. While no USAID…

City Knowledge Exchange Series: Healthy Alleys in Makassar

JSI's Building Healthy Cities project, funded by USAID, aims to embed a health equity lens into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow for existing Smart Cities. This City Knowledge Exchange Series highlights city-led efforts to improve urban health in three BHC partner cities: Indore, India; Makassar, Indonesia; and Da Nang, Vietnam. While…

City Knowledge Exchange Series: Cancer Care in Da Nang

JSI's Building Healthy Cities project, funded by USAID, aims to embed a health equity lens into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow for existing Smart Cities. This City Knowledge Exchange Series highlights city-led efforts to improve urban health in three BHC partner cities: Indore, India; Makassar, Indonesia; and Da Nang, Vietnam. While…

Planning and Implementing a Logistics System Design Activity

Public health program managers in resource-limited settings often recognize the importance of a well-designed logistics system after experiencing symptoms of poor logistics system performance, such as stockouts, overstocks, and expiries. Based on experience designing logistics systems in many countries for many programs, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT recommends the use of a system design workshop…

Procurement Performance Indicators Dashboard

The Procurement Performance Indicators Dashboard is a companion document to the 2013 Procurement Performance Indicators Guide published by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT. The guide provides procurement managers with performance indicators and information to improve and monitor procurement system performance.

Access AIDSFree Resources

From 2014 to 2020, the Strengthening High Impact Interventions for an AIDS-free Generation (AIDSFree) Project successfully expanded HIV education, prevention, and treatment in 19 countries throughout Africa, including the Middle East/North Africa region, while also improving systems to support long-term, sustainable containment of the epidemic.  AIDSFree strengthened implementation and filled gaps in service delivery in…

Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Behavior of Target Groups in Healthcare-seeking and Tuberculosis Treatment: Social and Behavior Change Formative Research Final Report

The five-year (2019–2024) USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project assisted the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to diagnose, treat, and cure people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). Kyrgyzstan has one of the highest rates of DR-TB in the world, and the Project focuses on reaching those most vulnerable to TB. Based on a situation analysis of risk groups for…

Vendor Managed Inventory: Is It Right for Your Supply Chain?

As governments and implementation partners help support health delivery and health systems in developing countries, they are beginning to appreciate the importance of supply chain management and supply chain capability. However, before they attempt to build a supply chain, planners must know what supply system designs and frameworks are available. One supply chain model that…

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