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Found 1887 results

Pocket Guide on Counselling and Psychosocial Care for Children and Adolescents Living with and Affected by HIV in Africa

The African Network for the Care of Children Affected by AIDS (ANECCA) developed this Pocket Guide as a companion to the comprehensive Handbook on Counselling and Psychosocial Care for Children and Adolescents Affected by HIV; the Pocket Guide is a condensed version of the Handbook and is organized for on-the-job use. Like the Handbook, the…

CCEOP Evaluation Cross Country Midline Report

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance established its Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform (CCEOP) in 2015 as part of a strategy to strengthen vaccine supply chains and achieve better immunization equity and coverage. JSI is conducting a prospective evaluation on CCEOP to assess its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, outcomes, and sustainability of the investment. JSI’s research will allow…

CCEOP Evaluation: Market Shaping Brief

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) has been commissioned by Gavi to conduct an evaluation of CCEOP implementation, including a focus on global level CCE market-shaping activities and results from 2018 through 2020. This market-shaping brief reflects a point in time analysis of the initial trajectory based on the objectives set out in Gavi’s…

Practical Implications of Policy Guidelines: A GIS Model of the Deployment of Community Health Volunteers in Madagascar

With increasing interest in strengthening community health programs nationally comes a need for operationalizing them in a realistic and achievable way. Limited information is available to help program managers establish appropriate parameters for their context. The USAID Mahefa Miaraka program examined aspects of program implementation related to deployment patterns of community health workers, called agents communautaires…

Strengthening Community Platforms to Address Gender Norms

In 2014, there were 25.8 million people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of them women. Several studies have reported that girls’ and women’s risk of HIV infection is associated with gender inequality and violence. Harmful gender norms can lead to risky behaviors, violence, substance abuse, pursuit of multiple sexual partners, and…

City Infographic: Indore

This infographic provides an overview of the activities BHC is implementing in Indore, India, and the many sectors with whom we collaborate.

City Infographic: Makassar

This infographic provides an overview of the activities BHC is implementing in Makassar, Indonesia, and the many sectors with whom we collaborate.

City Infographic: Da Nang

This infographic provides an overview of the activities BHC is implementing in Da Nang, Vietnam, and the many sectors with whom we collaborate.

Madagascar Technical Brief – Effective Community Response Reduces the Impact of the Plague Epidemic in Communities of Rural Madagascar

Plague is endemic on the central high plateau of Madagascar, where a seasonal upsurge in plague cases, normally of the bubonic form, occurs yearly between September and April but is normally locally contained. Starting in August 2017, Madagascar experienced a plague epidemic that included predominantly pneumonic cases and affected both endemic and non-endemic areas, including…

Building Healthy Cities Project Business Card

JSI’s Building Healthy Cities project promotes healthy urban planning in India, Indonesia, Nepal, and Vietnam. The USAID-funded initiative aims to embed a health equity lens into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow across sectors. BHC employs a systems approach and engages beyond health with sectors such as transport, environment, sanitation, education, recreation,…

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