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Found 1887 results

Sustaining Immunization Gains for All Communities in Ethiopia: Final Report of the RED-QI Sustainability Inquiry

The RED-QI approach, implemented in Ethiopia by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., beginning in 2011, worked to improve the performance of the immunization system in 103 woredas (districts)—about two-thirds of which have limited infrastructure and remote communities, including nomadic populations. JSI’s bottom-up approach—working at the facility and woreda level to integrate quality improvement into the…

Sustaining Immunization Gains for All Communities: Lessons from Implementation of the RED-QI Approach

The RED-QI approach, implemented in Ethiopia by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., beginning in 2011, worked to improve the performance of the immunization system in 103 woredas (districts)—about two-thirds of which have limited infrastructure and remote communities, including nomadic populations. JSI’s bottom-up approach—working at the facility and woreda level to integrate quality improvement into…

Bimonthly Rota Talk Newsletter, Issue 10, 2020

JSI India publishes the bimonthly Rota Talk newsletter to regularly update partners and the government on the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine in India. JSI India is the lead technical partner for the rotavirus vaccine introduction in India. As of September 2019, India had officially introduced rotavirus vaccine in all 37 states and union territories (UTs). this newsletter…

Pertussis outbreak in southern Ethiopia: challenges of detection, management, and response

Despite the availability of effective vaccines, pertussis remains endemic with high fatality rates in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). This study aims to describe an outbreak of pertussis in a health district of Ethiopia. The study highlights the challenges faced by the health system in identifying pertussis cases and appropriately responding to the outbreak at…

Improving Performance Together: Twinning Partnership Between Medium and Low Performer Districts in Ethiopia

This article describes the United States Agency for International Development Transform: Primary Health Care Activity supported a twinning partnership strategy, which was implemented between districts (woredas) in the different performance categories. This study presents the details of the partnership and the result observed in health systems strengthening in Ethiopia. The twinning partnership strategy was implemented…

Reasons for Missed Opportunities for Vaccinations (MOV) in Health Facilities in Cite Soleil

The Ministry of Public Health and Population Haiti, through the National Coordination Unit of the Vaccination Program, established a partnership with JSIwith finding from Gavi, the vaccine alliance, in order to strengthen the routine immunization system in Cité Soleil. The objective of this technical assistance partnership is to increase access to and vaccination services in Cité…

Measuring the Quality of HIV/AIDS Client-Level Data Using Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS)

Tools and methods for assessing data quality have advanced significantly over the past ten years, driven in part by the need for good HIV/AIDS data to inform programs. However, most of the existing tools focus on aggregate data at sub-national levels with very few measuring the quality of data at the primary source— at the…

Health Analytics, Strategy & Learning @ JSI

JSI designs and implements data-led public health programs. We frame our research, monitoring, and evaluation through an implementation lens and connect actors from across the health sector to strengthen health systems and improve the health of individuals and communities. This strategy was written by JSI in 2018.

Information Design @ JSI

Information design is critical in making the link between data simply existing and data being used. Across our programs, JSI works to strengthen health systems and program monitoring and evaluation approaches to ensure the data generated through these systems are used for data-led decision-making by stakeholders. Our work is anchored in understanding who the user is, what they want to know, and…

Involving Persons Living with HIV Networks in National HIV Policy Dialogue: A Case Study of MANET+ in Malawi

MANET+, the national coordinating body for community-based support groups in Malawi, was founded in 1997 by a group of PLHIV who recognized the need to organize their activities to achieve greater impact on national HIV policies. This case study analyzes the engagement of CSOs in PMTCT policy and planning and clarifies how to increase their…

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