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Found 1887 results

Nigeria Zero-Dose Situation Analysis

This situation analysis investigates the existing data collection, analysis, and reporting systems in the four priority states where the Nigeria Country Learning Hub will be focusing its efforts – Kano and Sokoto in the northwest and Borno and Bauchi in the northeast – to understand any bottlenecks and lags in producing data about reaching zero-dose…

Digitally Enabled Performance Based Incentives for Improved Health Extension Program Performance in Ethiopia: An Implementation Study Research Report

JSI has supported Ethiopia's Ministry of Health in designing and testing digitally-enabled performance-based incentives using the Electronic Community Health Information (eCHIS) platform, digital tooling enabling frontline healrth extension workers to gain quick access to counseling tools, client history, reporting forms, and community-level data. The digitally enabled PBI system was designed to improve health extension worker performance,…

Reducing Procurement Lead Times with Streamlined Importation Processes

In humanitarian and emergency settings, health supply networks and processes frequently become complex once a shipment arrives at the port of entry. Unregistered products, inadequate documentation, and sudden changes in government regulations can cause inefficiencies and bottlenecks, delaying importation processes and increasing procurement lead times. With careful planning, many of these problems can be minimized…

Using DHIS2 for Health Facility Stock Management in Humanitarian Settings

This brief describes how the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is integrating DHIS2 at health facilities with the institutional supply chain management information system to improve data visibility and pharmacy stock management. 

Data Visibility: Monitoring Pharmaceutical and Medical Commodities in Humanitarian and Crisis Settings

Health supply chain managers are responsible for analyzing and monitoring every aspect of their supply chains to ensure the timely delivery of medicines to people in need. An important tool for this is a logistics management information system, which provides visibility to inform decisions and performance management in the supply chain cycle. This brief explores how…

USAID Cure Tuberculosis: Year 4 Annual Results October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023

Cure Tuberculosis is a five-year activity (2019-2024) implemented by JSI in partnership with University Research Co., LLC (URC) and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) which aims to strengthen the Kyrgyz government’s ability to diagnose, treat, and cure people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The project activities are aligned with the USAID Global TB Strategy and TB Roadmap…

Data.FI 2023 Annual Report

Data for Implementation (Data.FI) is a global project that helps countries strengthen and sustain access to key, high-quality data to strengthen primary healthcare systems and accelerate and maintain HIV and COVID-19 epidemic control. This report includes details of approaches and progress made toward this goal in 2023. 

Ensuring Good Storage and Distribution Practices to Protect the Quality of Health Supplies

Supply chain managers must have an overall strategy for commodity warehousing to maintain the quality of health products in emergency and crisis situations. Good warehousing ensures the physical integrity of products and their packaging through the chain of storage facilities to the point of being dispensed to clients. The International Rescue Committee’s self-assessment tool is…

RISE Bulletin September 2023

Rapid Immunization Skills Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under the Universal Immunization Program of the Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from September 2023. 

RISE Bulletin October 2023

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity-building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under the Universal Immunization Program of the Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from October 2023. 

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