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Addressing gender-based violence among assisted partner notification clients

APN is effective in identifying new HIV positive clients as we move towards HIV epidemic control 2020. However, GBV poses a threat to achieving that goal. Establishing timely preventive GBV response strategies to prevent GBV occurrence and building health worker skills and the capacity to respond and engage with communities is critical for sustained epidemic…

PrEPas a Layered Service for DREAMS and other AGYW in Zambia: Insights for Roll-out from the USAID DISCOVER-Health Project

The USAID DISCOVER-Health Project (DISCOVER), implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute (JSI), supports the Ministry of Health (MOH) to improve access to and utilization of quality HIV services in Zambia. DISCOVER was among the first MOH partners to roll out PrEPafter May 2018 scale-up approval and is currently providing oral PrEPservices to AGYW in…

Strengthening the Zambian MOH to implement an effective COVID-19 communications strategy via strategic partnerships

Early in the COVID-19 emergency, in the face of relentless misinformation, the Ministry of Health Zambia needed to project authority as the most credible source of COVID-19 information in Zambia. USAID DISCOVER-Health worked in the background to support well-managed strategic partnerships between MOH/ZNPHI and civic leaders, donors, UN agencies, the private sector, other implementing partners,…

Assisted Partner Notification Highlights HIV Disclosure Gap among Sexual Partners

In Uganda, UPHIA (2016-2017) found only 84% of people living with HIV know their status. The Uganda national consolidated HIV prevention, care, and treatment guidelines (2018) recommend assisted partner notification (APN) as a strategy to achieve widespread testing of those at risk. Through this approach, an individual testing positive is supported to disclose, to their…

Testing Only those Who Really Need Testing: Use of HIV Risk Assessment Tool in the USAID DISCOVER-Health Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Program in Zambia

Nationally, at least 95% of male clients are tested for HIV before surgery, as part of the VMMC service package. However, this led to an HIV positivity yield of around 0.1%, compared to 5% in the general male population. Therefore, using the HIV-risk screening tool in this population would identify those at high HIV-risk and…

Integration of cervical cancer with HIV services improves the uptake of cervical cancer screening amongst HIV positive clients: Lessons learned from Zambia

With funding from USAID, John Snow, Inc. (JSI) implements the USAID Securing an AIDS-Free Era (SAFE)project to provide support to the Ministry of Health to scale-up cervical cancer services with a specific focus on WLWHin three provinces. USAID SAFE operates in 43 facilities providing free cervical cancer services. Screening is conducted through Visual Inspection using…

Targeted HIV testing improves positivity yield and reduces testing volumes among the general population in Zambia

HIV testing is critical to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of people living with HIV (PLHIV) which reduces transmission to others. As we move toward HIV epidemic control, index testing and HIV screening tools have been shown to be efficient and effective targeted testing strategies to identify the remaining undiagnosed PLHIV. The USAID SAFE program…

Assisted Partner Notification Improves HIV Testing Yield to Achieve the First 95

According to UPHIA (2016-2017), only 84% of people living with HIV know their status. The Uganda National Guidelines (2018) recommends assisted partner notification (APN) as a critical strategy to reach and identify at-risk individuals to meet UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets. Assisted partner notification provides comprehensive services for persons infected with HIV or STIs and their partners,…

That’s how we roll! Using Human-Centered Design for PrEP rollout in Zambia

As Zambia edges toward HIV epidemic control, studies and national data showed poor HIV service uptake and higher HIV incidence rates among young people especially adolescent girls and young women 15-24 and men 20-34, with a  cycle of HIV transmission that needed to be broken in order to safeguard health, while supporting HIV epidemic control…

Guide on High-Impact Practices to Create Demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Services

Ongoing, effective demand creation is essential to motivate adolescent boys and men to access services. Over the past few years, VMMC programs have gained valuable experience in generating demand for VMMC and matching supply with demand. Based on significant implementation experience, several approaches have proven to lead to considerable increases in service uptake. As countries…

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