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Found 1887 results

Makassar Workshop Report: Systems Mapping 2

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is building capacity for systemic participatory action research through dynamic systems mapping, to allow urban leaders, stakeholders, and beneficiaries to engage in sustained, systemic and adaptive leadership over time. This process produces actionable strategies that enable shared ownership and coordinated action. One step in this process is to find leverage points…

Indore Workshop Report: Systems Mapping 2

Building Healthy Cities (BHC) is building capacity for systemic participatory action research through dynamic systems mapping, to allow urban leaders, stakeholders, and beneficiaries to engage in sustained, systemic and adaptive leadership over time. This process produces actionable strategies that enable shared ownership and coordinated action. One step in this process is to find leverage points…

Moving Beyond the Classroom: Strategies for Building the Capacity of Ethiopian Health Workers

This report describes the findings from an applied learning activity that aimed to identify promising capacity building initiatives conducted in the Ethiopian health sector. This activity, carried out through JSI's Universal Immunization through Improving Family Health Services (UI-FHS) Project, was used to inform recommendations for new ways of thinking and working to build the capacity…

How to Design a Complex Behaviour Change Intervention: Experiences From a Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Trial in Rural India

In this paper, authors provide a case study of a complex nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) intervention that aimed to reduce maternal and child undernutrition in rural India. Specifically, we describe how we identified the six most important pathways through which we hypothesised our interventions would improve nutrition outcomes, prioritised behaviours and barriers to behaviour change to address within these…

Zambia Costing Evaluation: Transport & Warehousing Options

This document provides a costing evaluation on long-term solutions to transportation, warehousing, and laboratory control distribution. Various methodologies, such as desk-based analysis and key stakeholders' interviews, are discussed in the document for the purpose of attaining a cost-benefit solution. JSI, 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Malawi

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Malawi from 2009–2016. The project provided technical assistance to strengthen health supply chains and improve the environment for commodity security for family planning, HIV/AIDS, and malaria commodities in Malawi. This report was compiled in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Mozambique

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Mozambique from 2007–2015. The project provided technical assistance in malaria prevention and treatment by strengthening the health supply chains and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Nigeria

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Nigeria from 2006–2016. The project provided technical assistance to family planning; malaria; maternal, neonatal and child health; and tuberculosis programs to strengthen health supply chains and improve the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Nicaragua

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Nicaragua from 2009–2016. The project provided technical assistance in family planning by strengthening the health supply chains and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Liberia

This report summarizes the work conducted in Liberia by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT from 2008–2016. The project provided technical assistance in malaria family planning, and Ebola virus disease by strengthening the health supply chain and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

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