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USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Pakistan

This report summarizes the work conducted by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Pakistan from 2009–2016. The project provided technical assistance in family planning and vaccine product availability by strengthening the health supply chain and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Rwanda

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Rwanda from 2009–2016. The project provided technical assistance in malaria prevention and treatment by strengthening the health supply chains and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report South Sudan

From 2012-2016, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT provided support to the Ministry of Health in the implementation of the Emergency Medicines Fund Program with the procurement and delivery of essential medicine kits, including antimalarial treatments, and long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets for the people of South Sudan. The project also engaged in system strengthening efforts at…

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Tanzania

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Tanzania from 2006–2016. The project provided technical assistance in malaria prevention and treatment by strengthening the health supply chains and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Yemen

This report summarizes the work carried out in Yemen by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT from 2012–2015. The project provided technical assistance in family planning and maternal and child health by strengthening the health supply chain and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Zambia

This report summarizes the work carried out by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Zambia from 2009–2016. The project provided technical assistance in HIV, family planning, malaria, and maternal and child health prevention and treatment by strengthening the health supply chains and improving the environment for commodity security. This report was compiled by JSI in 2016.

USAID | DELIVER PROJECT Final Country Report Zimbabwe

Through its interventions under Task Orders 4 and 7 (and previously under the original DELIVER Project Task Order 1), the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT in Zimbabwe has contributed to improvements in supply chain management and human capacity development, both of which ultimately lead to better product availability and better client service. This report was compiled…

Beyond Survival: Improving child health through a life-course perspective

This is the first in a JSI series on child health – Beyond Survival. JSI’s approach to supporting the health of women and children is rooted in a life-course perspective, which acknowledges that events occurring early in one’s life greatly influence later outcomes. This perspective recognizes that biological or behavioral factors, as well as environmental and…

Contraceptive Security Indicator Dashboard, Latin America and the Caribbean

This dashboard presents a quick overview of Contraceptive Security Indicators data for the Latin America and Caribbean countries surveyed in 2015. This was the fifth annual round of data collection. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2015.

Evaluation of the Zimbabwe Assisted Pull System: Endline Report

This report provides results from the endline measurement for the evaluation of the Zimbabwe Assisted Pull System. This system, which was piloted in Manicaland province, consolidates management of four existing health commodity distribution systems for the primary healthcare facility level: Delivery Team Topping Up; Zimbabwe Informed Push/Primary Health Care Package; Zimbabwe Antiretroviral Distribution System; and…

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