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Optimizing Supply Chains for Improved Performance

This brief describes supply chain design and optimization, which is a powerful, practical tool that can improve performance now and position supply chains for the future. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2014.

The Right Cost: Analyzing Public Health Supply Chain Costs for Sustainability

With the cost of medicines and supplies eating up a large percentage of health budgets, developing country governments have a keen interest in working to ensure that their public health supply chains are operating effectively and efficiently. This brief discusses the supply chain costing methodology and tool, developed by the project, that supply chain managers…

Mozambique and Nigeria: Using Results from Supply Chain Costing

This case study examines how two countries—Mozambique and Nigeria—carried out supply chain costing studies; it offers insight into how the results were a crucial tool to inform policy, design, budgeting, and planning decisions. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2013. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pa00j3t7.pdf

Economic Evaluation: Guide to Approaches for Public Health Supply Chains

Decisionmakers in developing countries must continually choose between different courses of action as they pursue public health goals. Among their most critical choices are those relating to how best to strengthen commodity supply chains as a means towards more accessible, affordable, and higher quality products and services. Economic evaluation—studies that compare the costs and consequences…

Using Economic Evaluation to Strengthen Public Health Supply Chains 

Economic evaluation can help decisionmakers make informed choices about the best way to strengthen and improve the performance of public health supply chains in developing countries. This brief covers the topics covered in depth in Economic Evaluation: Guide to Approaches for Public Health Supply Chains. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2014. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pa00kw7n.pdf  

CS Indicator Dashboard, Africa

Through the Contraceptive Security (CS) Indicators, countries can track a comprehensive set of indicators that reflect key aspects of CS. In-country and global stakeholders can use these indicators to monitor CS status and trends for programmatic and advocacy purposes. This dashboard presents an overview of CS Indicators data for the 29 African countries surveyed in…

Supply Chain Costing Tool User’s Manual

The USAID | DELIVER PROJECT has designed the Supply Chain Costing tool (SCCT) to support the implementation of public health supply chain costing exercises. Based in Excel, the software tool greatly facilitates data collection, analysis, and report generation of a supply chain costing exercise. Reading this manual prior to applying the tool will help the…

Enhancing Contraceptive Security through Better Financial Tracking–A Resource Guide for Analysts and Advocates

This document guides readers through the steps to track contraceptive financing and finance processes. The guide provides information about financing schemes, sources, and agents and details how to collect and analyze data on how much funding was needed, committed, and spent for contraceptives. It also provides information to help users map the funding processes (including…

Guide to Public Health Supply Chain Costing: A Basic Methodology

On several occasions since 2004, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT has conducted supply chain costing exercises and, with the assistance of partner projects and ministries of health, has adapted a commercial best practice into a methodology for informing policy and operational decision making for public health supply chains. This guide lays out a general methodology…

Financing the Health Commodity Supply Chain: The Role of Service Fees

Service fees are charges made by a supply chain organization (public or private) for providing supply chain services; the customer (or an agent) pays these fees after they receive the service. Supply chain services typically include procurement, storage and transportation, and can also include customs clearance or freight forwarding. Service fees are an important mechanism…

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