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Found 1887 results

Strengthening Linkages Between Clinical and Social/Community Services for Children and Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: Job Aid: Framework of Needs

This job aid is an excerpt from the publication entitled, Strengthening Linkages Between Clinical and Social/Community Services for Children and Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: A Companion Guide. The job aid is designed to help those involved in care and support for children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence learn to mobilize crisis…

Strengthening Linkages Between Clinical and Social/Community Services for Children and Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: Job Aid: The Referral Checklist

This job aid is an excerpt from the publication entitled, Strengthening Linkages Between Clinical and Social/Community Services for Children and Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: A Companion Guide. The job aid is designed to help those involved in care and support for children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence learn the steps to…

Collaborating with Health Plans to Reduce Costs through Community-based Violence Prevention: The MSIP Approach

There is a robust discussion underway in health circles about how to better address psycho social factors shaping health outside clinic walls. JSI is working with Blue Shield of California Foundation to build a “Business Case” for health system investment in response to the needs of survivors of domestic violence (DV) and trauma. As part…

Innovating to Vaccinate Every Child in Uganda through Strengthening Subnational Management

This final report details the lessons learned from the Stronger Systems for Routine Immunization Project (SS4RI) project. JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, implemented the SS4RI project which assisted the Ministry of Health and Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (MOH/UNEPI) to improve managerial capacity for routine…

APC Country Program in Review: Benin

Between September 2012 and April 2019, APC reached more than 10 million people in Benin through community health programs in 10 priority health zones and at the national level. The project focused on three main areas: 1) helping Benin reach its community health goals; 2) expanding and strengthening the country’s package of key health services…

Makassar Workshop Report: Systems Mapping 1

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), organized a Data Validation and Systems Mapping workshop as part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Building Healthy Cities project (BHC), managed by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI). The workshop was held on 13-14 September 2018 in Makassar, Indonesia. The purpose of this…

What Makes Vulnerable Urban Populations Hard to Reach in Indonesian Cities?

Like many other countries, Indonesia is experiencing rapid urbanization, especially in Jakarta. JSI collaborated with the Centre for Health Research Universitas Indonesia from June to September 2019 to conduct a diagnostic assessment to identify the barriers contributing to low coverage in Jakarta municipalities and prioritize potential interventions to address the immunization needs of urban communities….

Review of Newborn Health Content in Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses and Integrated Community Case Management Training Materials and Job Aids in Seven Maternal and Child Survival Program Countries

This assessment was designed to understand the newborn care content in-country Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMNCI) and iCCM materials, specifically focusing on content related to essential newborn care (ENC), postnatal care (PNC), care for low-birthweight (LBW) and preterm babies, breastfeeding and support to mothers for breast milk feeding, management of possible serious bacterial infection…

DMPA-SC Job Aid Pilot and Evaluation in Madagascar: Background, Results and Next Steps

With funding from the Catalytic Opportunity Fund (COF), JSI evaluated the feasibility of using a low-cost training mechanism, known as OAS or “Orientation, Aide par Fiche Technique (job aid)”, to facilitate DMPA-SC scale-up among injection-experienced providers. It was piloted in four pilot districts in Madagascar, covering 76 basic health facilities. Respondents had a very positive…

Indore Workshop Report: Systems Mapping 1

This report presents findings from the Data Validation & Systems Mapping Workshop organized in Indore 29-30 August 2018. JSI/Building Healthy Cities Project. 2018.  

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