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Found 1887 results

e-Learning Curriculum on Routine Health Information Systems: Guide for Facilitators

This guide was developed to help facilitators navigate the online routine health information systems (RHIS) course, select classes that meet learners’ capacity-building needs, support learning using adult learning principles, and provide updates and modifications to class content, as needed. This document provides an outline of the content of the online modules including learning objectives, quiz…

Success Story: Strong Links Strengthen the Chain of Primary Care in Ethiopia

The USAID Transform: Primary Health Care project strengthens health services and the larger health system in which those services operate, in four major regions of Ethiopia: Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, and SNNP.  This success story demonstrates how the project goes about strengthening those services within the system and how the system is being fortified itself.  JSI/USAID Transform. 2020.

Generating Demand for PrEP: A Desk Review

As countries begin to roll out PrEP and each develops its own communication roadmap, such locally grounded approaches must also build on experience gained from current and past interventions in other countries. This desk review provides an overview of the common barriers and motivators discussed in the literature for PrEP uptake and adherence for each…

Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Lesotho through Changing Community Norms

Lesotho has the world’s second-highest rate of HIV among adults, which is exacerbated by the country’s pervasive culture of gender-based violence (GBV). Since 2016, AIDSFree worked at the community level with local partners and the government of Lesotho to prevent HIV through GBV interventions. This program note documents the project’s efforts to combat attitudes and…

VMMC Demand Creation Assessment Tool

This tool is intended to assess the quality of demand creation efforts in a voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) program. It helps to identify strengths, gaps, challenges, and areas in need of improvement. Effective demand creation interventions are critical for increasing uptake of VMMC services, particularly among priority age groups. JSI/AIDSFree Project. 2019.

Guiding Principles for Working with Gender-Based Violence Survivors

This tool takes a survivor-centered approach to gender-based violence to help providers create a supportive environment, ensure safety and dignity to promote a survivor's recovery, and reinforce the survivor's capacity to make decisions about possible interventions. The document highlights the keys to working with those who have experienced gender-based violence: safety; confidentiality; respect; nondiscrimination; and…

Willingness to Pay for Condoms in Five Countries: Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Though condom use is now higher than ever before, key gaps remain in countries and in certain populations, where use has stagnated or even decreased. To address these gaps, UNFPA in 2016 spearheaded the creation of the “20 by 20 Initiative,” a multisectoral effort to increase the number of condoms in low-and middle-income countries to…

Strengthening Linkages between Clinical and Social Services for Children and Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: Job Aid: Illustrative Referral Pathway

This job aid is an excerpt from the publication, Strengthening Linkages Between Clinical and Social/Community Services for Children and Adolescents who Have Experienced Sexual Violence: A Companion Guide. The job aid is designed to help those involved in care and support for children and adolescents who have experienced sexual violence learn to set up a…

Factors associated with prelacteal feeding practices in Debre Berhan district, North Shoa, Central Ethiopia: a cross-sectional, community-based study

Prelacteal feeding is one of the major harmful newborn feeding practices and is top on the list of global public health concerns. The practice deprives newborns of valuable nutrients and protection of colostrum and exposes them to preventable morbidity and mortality. Studying the prevalence and factors influencing the prelacteal feeding practice of mothers will help…

Integrated Community Malaria Volunteer Provides TB Diagnosis, Support, and Hope to Family in Myawaddy

This success story features Ko Maung Tun, a timber worker in Myawaddy who was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) by a Integrated Community Malaria Volunteer (ICMV). With the help and support of the ICMV, Ko Maung Tun was able to overcome his depression over the initial diagnosis, and continue with his treatment. After his experience with…

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