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Found 1887 results

A Framework for Effective Promotion of a Medicaid Tobacco Cessation Benefit

Tobacco burden is significantly greater among those insured by Medicaid, with a smoking prevalence of about twice as high as the national average (28% vs. 15%). Over the past decade, smoking prevalence among those insured by Medicaid has remained relatively unchanged while the overall smoking prevalence in the United States and among other insurance groups…

AIDSFree Mother-Baby Pair Identification and Retention in Care Through Community Health Volunteers in Kenya: Final Report

AIDSFree’s community focal mother model demonstrated success in improving retention of mother-baby pairs in care through PMTCT final outcome at 18–24 months and was documented as a PEPFAR Solution. In October 2018, USAID approved a scope of work for AIDSFree to implement this successful intervention in Kenya. This report summarizes the program’s efforts and discusses…

AIDSFree Nigeria HIV Self-Testing Project Report

The primary objective of the AIDSFree HIV self-testing (HIVST) technical assistance was to improve policy and implementation resources available for the scale-up of HIVST in Nigeria. This report reviews stakeholder meetings that discussed key technical issues in HIVST and provided recommendations for consideration by PEPFAR and the federal Ministry of Health/National AIDS and STI Control…

AIDSFree Lesotho Final Report: Capacity Strengthening of Civil Society Organizations

From January 2016 to December 2018, AIDSFree Lesotho provided technical assistance to two civil society organizations: the Lesotho Network of AIDS Service Organizations and the Lesotho Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS. In 2018, the project extended its services to two other organizations, Care for Basotho and The People’s Matrix Association. This report…

Improving the reporting of health research involving design: a proposed guideline

Design is being used more frequently in global health practice but is not reported on sufficiently for transparency, evaluability, and wider dissemination. Building on available literature and current practice in design for global health, we present a reporting guideline that can be used by scholars and practitioners applying design in their work, and invite input on…

Strengthening the Healthy Start Workforce: A Mixed-Methods Study to Understand the Roles of Community Health Workers in Healthy Start and Inform the Development of a Standardized Training Program.

Healthy Start (HS) is dedicated to preventing infant mortality, improving birth outcomes, and reducing disparities in maternal and infant health. This study examined how Health Start community health workers (CHW), as critical members of the workforce, serve families and communities in order to inform the development of a CHW training program to advance program goals. The…

Assessment of the Performance of Routine Health Information System Management in Côte d’Ivoire

After two consecutive routine health information system (RHIS) performance assessments were conducted in Côte d’Ivoire in 2008 and 2012, the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MSHP) implemented massive strengthening interventions. To evaluate their impact, JSI conducted a Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) assessment in September 2018, using PRISM tools newly revised by…

Strengthening and Improving Health Information Systems: Progress in Côte d’Ivoire

A national health information system (HIS) is the backbone for a country’s capacity to gather data to understand health issues. In Côte d’Ivoire, MEASURE Evaluation—funded by the United States Agency for International Development—has worked since 2004 with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene (MSHP) and implementing partners to strengthen the performance and management of…

Success Story: Youth-Friendly Health Services Make a Difference in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, USAID Transform: Primary Health Care is introducing a youth-friendly service (YFS) approach in 20 health care facilities in four regions: Amhara, Tigray, Oromia, and SNNP. Through the project, JSI trained staff at five health facilities in each region to ensure youth-friendly health services at every service delivery point. Each facility has a focal…

Population & Family Planning in Egypt

Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and the third-most populous country in Africa. This pamphlet discusses the history of family planning programming in Egypt, and the collaborative efforts of the Egyptian Government, USAID, and JSI to decelerate Egypt’s rapid population growth by reducing the unmet need of women and men for FP…

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