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Found 1887 results

Success Stories on TB Survivors in India

Tuberculosis has affected the lives of many people around the globe. The stories here embody the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of those who have faced the infectious disease. Included within are stories from tuberculosis survivors in West Bengal; these narratives navigate the difficulties that tuberculosis victims face and the ways in which the USAID-funded Tuberculosis…

Case Study: Strengthening the Leadership, Management, and Governance Competency of Health Managers

Ethiopia’s health system, as in many other low-income countries, lacks adequate infrastructure and resources. Health managers often lack the leadership, management, and governance skills to overcome the numerous challenges associated with delivering effective health services.  This case study provides detailed insight into the strategic planning and implementation of a specific aspect of the USAID Transform: Primary Health…

Case Study: Improving Immunization by Reaching Every District

Immunization is one of the greatest public health achievements and is a high-impact, cost-effective intervention that prevents diseases and advances global welfare. Substantial investments over the past 30 years have helped establish and maintain national routine immunization systems. Although national coverage of immunization has improved in the past few years, gaps in immunization coverage still…

Case Study: Twinning Partnerships A Tested Strategy to Accelerate Woreda Transformation

In the past two decades, the government of Ethiopia has been implementing its health sector development programs and invested heavily in health systems strengthening in an effort to meet the Millennium Development Goals. The Federal Ministry of Health developed a five-year Health Sector Transformation Plan to further reduce preventable deaths in mothers and children under five years of…

Indore Citizen Reporting System Assessment Report

In 2019, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project conducted an assessment of citizen reporting systems (CRSs) in Indore, India – the Chief Minister (CM) Helpline and Indore 311 Application (311 App). This report summarizes those findings and provides recommendations for improvement. JSI/Building Healthy Cities. 2020.

Indore Citizen Reporting System Assessment Report: Annex Supplement

In 2019, the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project conducted an assessment of citizen reporting systems (CRSs) in Indore, India – the Chief Minister (CM) Helpline and Indore 311 Application (311 App). This report, including this Annex Supplement, summarizes those findings and provides recommendations for improvement. JSI/Building Healthy Cities. 2020.

Bimonthly Rota Talk Newsletter, Issue 8, 2020

JSI India publishes the bimonthly Rota Talk newsletter to regularly update partners and the government on the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in India. JSI India is the lead technical partner for rotavirus vaccine introduction in India. As of September 2019, India had officially introduced rotavirus vaccine in all 37 states and union territories (UTs).

Survivor Stories to Build Partnerships: Tools for Domestic Violence Service Providers

The connection between domestic violence (DV), social determinants of health, and other pressing issues may not always be clear to potential partners who do not work in the DV/trauma prevention fields. JSI developed a set of tools for domestic violence service providers—in the form of stories—to address this gap. The first three stories depict the…

L.A. Care eManagement Evaluation Final Report

JSI completed an evaluation of L.A. Care’s eManagement Program, a web-based application that facilitates linkages between primary care providers (PCPs) and behavioral health specialists to improve screening, quality, and delivery of behavioral health. Funded by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), JSI used a mixed-methods evaluation (surveys, interviews, and claims data), to study the implementation…

Effectiveness of participatory community solutions strategy on improving household and provider health care behaviors and practices: A mixed method

This article evaluates the effects of using mixed-methods research in eight primary health care units of Ethiopia to improve the use and quality of maternal and newborn health services. The evaluated strategies helped participants to better realize gaps, identify real problems, design appropriate solutions, and create a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for implementing interventions within…

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