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Found 1887 results

Home Visits for Children With Asthma Reduce Medicaid Costs

We conducted a multicomponent, low-cost, home intervention for children with uncontrolled asthma, the Reducing Ethnic/Racial Asthma Disparities in Youth (READY) study, to evaluate its effect on health outcomes and its return on investment. From 2009 through 2014 the study enrolled 289 children aged 2 to 13 years with uncontrolled asthma and their adult caregivers in…

Effectiveness of participatory community solutions strategy on improving household and provider health care behaviors and practices: A mixed-method evaluation

We implemented a participatory quality improvement strategy in eight primary health care units of Ethiopia to improve use and quality of maternal and newborn health services. We evaluated the effects of this strategy using mixed-methods research. We used before-and-after (March 2016 and November 2017) cross-sectional surveys of women who had children 0–11 months to compare…

Novel metric for evaluating pre-exposure prophylaxis programme effectiveness in real-world settings

Although large-scale provision of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is gaining momentum, no systematic method to evaluate or compare the effectiveness of different scale-up strategies in real-world settings exists. To date, estimating the effectiveness of PrEP has relied on clinical trials or mathematical models. We propose a novel and pragmatic metric to evaluate and compare programme…

Achieving and sustaining impact at scale for a newborn intervention in Nepal: a mixed-methods study

Ten years ago – in the late 2000s – the government of Nepal was confronted with high infection-attributable neonatal mortality. There was new, locally-generated evidence that the use of the antiseptic chlorhexidine for the care of the newborn cord stump could substantially reduce the risk of such deaths but – at the time – no…

Indore Assessment Report on Functionality of Urban Primary Health Centers

In 2019 the USAID-funded Building Healthy Cities (BHC) project evaluated the current status of multiple urban primary health centers (UPHCs) in Indore, India in relation to the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS). The main purpose of the study was to identify the status and adequacy of infrastructure, equipment, diagnostics, medicines, and health care service delivery of each…

Policy Brief: Low-Cost Real-Time Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring – Indore

Human health depends on clean air. When air is polluted with fine particulate matter (PM2.5), black carbon, or other aerosolized pollutants, our health suffers. Air pollution is linked to over 3 million deaths each year, and nearly all inhabitants of the world’s largest cities are exposed to air pollution levels that are above the healthy…

Prioritizing Solutions: Prioritize activities to address program challenges

As organizations and projects uncover problems and develop solutions, there is a need to prioritize necessary actions to address the identified problems and solutions. In an ideal situation, all problems could be addressed. However, resources are limited and that is not always possible. Personnel, time, funding, capacity, etc. all play a role in a team’s…

Understanding the Problem: RCA Root Cause Analysis

It is not always clear why things are not going as intended. We might assume to know the cause, make a change, and still see not see the desired effect. When faced with this situation, it is important to understand the underlying cause or the source of the problem in order to identify lasting solutions. This…

Pause and Reflect: SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Throughout the life of any project, it is important to take a step back from the day-to-day tasks (Pause) and think more strategically about where you currently are, where you want to be, and how to get there (Reflect). This document, developed by JSI and PATH, presents the DMPA-SC Access Collaborative's guide to strengths, weaknesses,…

Program (re)design: Identifying, describing, and mapping key stakeholders

DMPA-SC Access Collaborative's guide to designing and redesigning your program based on key stakeholders. 

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