Found 1913 results
The purpose of this tool is to help an organization assess its ability to implement effective behavior change communication activities by looking at its overall approach. This tool looks holistically at personnel, documents, and systems in place at the organizational and implementing partner levels (if applicable). This TCA tool is designed to provide organizations with…
The purpose of this tool is to help an organization assess its ability to implement effective HIV activities by looking at its overall approach. This tool looks holistically at personnel, documents, and systems in place at the organizational and implementing partner levels (if applicable). This TCA tool is designed to provide organizations with a set…
An individual’s health is greatly influenced by the social and economic conditions in which they live, work, and play. Safety-net populations often experience a multitude of physical and behavioral health issues stemming from or amplified by psychosocial challenges such as housing instability, unemployment, and food insecurity, which influence access to care and health outcomes. There…
In countries where JSI, through the Maternal & Child Survival Project (MCSP), supported immunization programming, we worked with Ministries of Health and other partners to improve the generation, quality, and use of routine immunization data at the point of service delivery (i.e. at the health facility and community levels). In addition, JSI's MCSP team carried out…
Northern Iraq only recently emerged from war, and security challenges and the effects of trauma and displacement persist. To support a resilient and self-reliant approach to improving access to health services, JSI co-created with USAID a strategy to link the development and humanitarian continuum in the Ninewa Plains with a target population of approximately 64,000…
Global vaccination coverage rates have remained around 85% for the past several years. Increasing immunization coverage rates requires an effective cold chain to maintain vaccine potency. Remote temperature monitoring (RTM) technology for vaccine refrigerators has shown promise for improving the ability of supply systems to maintain optimal temperature conditions to ensure potent vaccines reach the…
To help strengthen the routine immunization (RI) system in Uganda, JSI has supported the Ministry of Health and Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (MOH/UNEPI) by working in 246 health facilities across ten districts. The Stronger Systems for Routine Immunization (SS4RI) project introduced the Reaching Every Child using Quality Improvement (REC-QI) approach in these districts during…
Over the last decade, substantial advances have been made in data collection and visualization technologies used to inform HIV prevention, treatment, and care globally, and particularly in eastern and southern Africa. Despite these advances, parallel data collection and storage systems, and data quality, accessibility, and use challenges persist. Gender- and age disaggregated data to pinpoint…
In all countries where the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) supports immunization programs, staff provided technical support to countries to implement Reaching Every District/Reaching Every Child (RED/REC). The RED/REC approach has proven effective for improving immunization coverage and reaching eligible populations and there is potential to use these strategies in other RMNCH areas. In…
Providing high-quality kangaroo mother care (KMC) is a strategy proven to improve outcomes in premature babies. However, whether KMC is consistently and appropriately provided in Ethiopia is unclear. This study assesses the quality of KMC services in Ethiopia and the factors associated with its appropriate initiation among low birth weight neonates. Authors: Haftom Gebrehiwot Weldearegay,…